PoSI and BiS Items

Good day fellow Londoners,

I’m on my way on becoming a Paramount Presence and have come across certain required items to become a more specified PoSI. One of these is BiS (the Smock of Four Thousand Three Hundred and Eight Pockets) the others are overshadowed by other items for the same category.
The items are: a Tub of Gloam-Foam (Invisible Eminence); Smock of Four Thousand Three Hundred and Eight Pockets (Extraordinary Mind); Parabola-Linen Frock/Parabola-Linen Suit (Legendary Charisma) and the Infernal Sharpshooter’s Rifle (Shattering Force).
The Frock & Suit are outclassed, the Gloam-Foam can be substituted by the cheaper Semiotic Monocle and the Rifle can be outclassed by Feducci’s Lance!

Is there any value in keeping said items required to become a specific PoSI class after you’ve become it and gained it’s specific Quality?
(London’s Blood, London’s Marrow, London’s Nerves and London’s Sinew)

Or would it be better to sell said items (to e.g. save for a Bottle of Hesperidean Cider) and go for the BiS items?


(note to those unfamiliar with the terms: BiS = Best in Slot - PoSI = Person of Some Interest)

If anyone is wondering what the BiS items are they’re listed below and where to find them
(I won’t list Spouse, Ship, Destiny, Affiliation, Transport or Club)
(all are non-Mood, non-Profession items; I’ll list Fate & Non-Fate)
(BDR is not included)
all stated Professions are Tier 3 Professions

  • Correspondant: A Pot of Violant Ink ~ Weapon ~ (+12 Persuasive, +12 Watchful, +1 Bizarre)

  • Crooked Cross: A Crooked Cross ~ Weapon ~ (+12 Persuasive, +12 Shadowy, +1 Dreaded)

  • Glassman: Set of Cosmogone Spectacles ~ Hat ~ (+12 Persuasive, +12 Dangerous, +1 Bizarre)

  • Licentiate: A List of Aliases, Writ in Gant ~ Weapon ~ (+12 Dangerous, +12 Shadowy, +1 Bizarre)

  • Monster-Hunter: A Notched Bone Harpoon ~ Weapon ~ (+12 Watchful, +12 Dangerous, +1 Dreaded)

  • Midnighter: Shrine to St. Joshua ~ Home Comfory ~ (+9 Watchful, +9 Shadowy, +1 Dreaded)

Hat: (All bought in the Bazaar)

  • Dangerous: Semiotic Monocle tied with Iron Hat (+5 Dangerous) (350 Echoes and 28.8 Echoes respectively)

  • Persuasive: Devilish Fedora tied with Fecund Amber Tiara (+10 Persuasive) (400 Echoes)

  • Watchful: Semiotic Monocole tied with Tub of Gloam-Foam (+8 Watchful) (350 Echoes and 400 Echoes respectively)
    [Semiotic Monocle can used during Neathmas; the Tub is used to become an Invisible Presence]

  • Shadowy: Sneak-Thief’s Mask (+5 Shadowy) (28.8 Echoes)

Clothing (All bought in the Bazaar)

  • Dangerous: Far Khanate Lacquered Armour (+8 Dangerous) (400 Echoes)

  • Persuasive: Exquisite Ivory Gown tied with Sumptuous Dandy’s Outfit (+10 Persuasive) (460.8 Echoes)

  • Watchful: Smock of Four Thousand Three Hundred and Eight Pockets (+10 Watchful)
    [also used for becoming an Extraordinary Mind] (420 Echoes)

  • Shadowy: Ratskin Suit (+6 Shadowy) (115.2 Echoes)

Gloves (All bought in the Bazaar)

  • Dangerous: Pair of Spiderchitin Gauntlets (+5 Dangerous) (28.8 Echoes)

  • Persuasive: Twelve-Carat Diamond Ring (+8 Persuasive) (350 Echoes)

  • Watchful: Insatiable Glove (+8 Watchful) (180 Echoes)

  • Shadowy: Pair of Lenguals (+10 Shadowy) (400 Echoes)


  • Dangerous: Feducci’s Lance (Replica) (+20 Dangerous) Hallowmas (Unsure if it’s still available)
    If the Lance won’t be available anymore; Infernal Sharpshooter’s Rifle (+10 Dangerous) Bazaar (420 Echoes)
    [the Rifle is used to become a Shattering Force]

  • Persuasive: Unexploded Mine (+10 Persuasive)
    Found on the Zee (Troubled Waters 8) with 7 Favours: The Docks and 40 Renown: The Docks

  • Watchful: Infernal Vinification Apparatus (+10 Watchful)
    Found in the Iron Republic with 7 Favours: Hell and 40 Renown: Hell

  • Shadowy: What Might Be a Thunderbolt (+10 Shadowy)
    Found in the Mind of a Long-Dead God with 7 Favours: Urchins and 40 Renown: Urchins


  • Dangerous: Pair of Vakeskin Boots (+8 Dangerous) Bazaar (320 Echoes)

  • Persuasive: Pair of Masterwork Dancing Slippers (+5 Persuasive) Bazaar (64.80 Echoes)

  • Watchful: Language of Laces (+7 Watchful)
    Found in Spite with 5 Favours: Revolutionaries and 25 Renown: Revolutionaries

  • Shadowy: The Place Where They Bury the Bodies (+10 Shadowy)
    Found on A Boat Trip with 7 Favours: Constables and 40 Renown: Constables


  • Dangerous: The Minister of War (+10 Dangerous)
    The Court of the Wakeful Eye (you need 240 Tribute)

  • Persuasive: Newly-Born Frost-Moth tied with The Minister of Culture (+10 Persuasive)
    The Tomb Colonies with 7 Favours: Tomb-Colonies and 40 Renown: Tomb-Colonies – The Court of the Wakeful Eye (you need 240 Tribute)

  • Watchful: Overgoat (+20 Watchful) Bazaar (11712.8 Echoes)

  • Shadowy: One who Pulls the Strings tied with The Minister of Culture (+10 Shadowy)

New Newgate Prison with 7 Favours: Criminals and 40 Renown: Criminals – The Court of the Wakeful Eye (you need 240 Tribute)


  • Persuasive: Most Humbling Expression of Her Majesty’s Esteem (+8 Persuasive)
    Obtained in Port Carnelian with 7 Favours Society and 40 Renown: Society

Home Comfort

  • Dangerous: Gleaming Buttons (+8 Dangerous)
    Found in A State of some Confusion with 7 Favours: Revolutionaries and 40 Renown: Revolutionaries

  • Persuasive: Beatific Stone (+8 Persuasive)
    Found on Corpsecage Island with 7 Favours: The Church and 40 Renown: The Church

  • Watchful: The Great Game (+8 Watchful)
    Found in the Mirror-Marshes with 7 Favours: The Great Game and 40 Renown: The Great Game

  • Shadowy: Oneiric Key (+8 Shadowy)

Found in the Mirror-Marshes with 7 Favours: Bohemians and 40 Renown: Bohemians

Fate (will only list the ones better)


  • Dangerous: Epicurean War-Helm (+8 Dangerous)
    Found during the elections, originally from choosing Feducci as candidate in 1895; now it costs 20 Fate.

  • Shadowy: Corinthian Belfry Hat (+8 Shadowy)
    Found during the elections, originally from choosing The Implacable Detective as candidate in 1895; now it costs 20 Fate.


  • Dangerous: A Traitor’s Carriage (+3 Dangerous) Obtained during the Election from the Gifts, 30 Fate cost

  • Shadowy: Thoroughly Cowed Pony (+6 Shadowy)
    Obtained during Neathmas; the Incarnadine Robe or by paying Fate to Open the Cave of the Nadir (30 or 50 Fate Respectively)


  • Watchful: Übergoat (+30 Watchful)
    2 Overgoats + 1 Fate

due to suggestions I decided to add the Tier 3 Profession Items and the Transport- Items
edited by Honeyaddict on 6/28/2018

There’s a few more fate ones, particularly for transportation.

Anyhow, I don’t believe there is any reason to keep the stuff around if you’re not using it. I’d keep the Parabola-Linen item and convert it in the Nadir, since the Nadir version sells for the same price as the original costs. That way you don’t lose a bunch of money for a useless item.

[quote=Jaina ]There’s a few more fate ones, particularly for transportation.

Anyhow, I don’t believe there is any reason to keep the stuff around if you’re not using it. I’d keep the Parabola-Linen item and convert it in the Nadir, since the Nadir version sells for the same price as the original costs. That way you don’t lose a bunch of money for a useless item.[/quote]

Thank you very much, but as I stated I didn’t list the Transportation ones; think I should extend the lists with Transportation?

Just wanted to add that a number of tier 3 profession items give a higher bonus than the one you listed. For instance, the Cosmogone Spectacles give +12 Dangerous, +12 Persuasive. Or the Shrine to St Joshua is a +9 Watchful Home Comfort.

You definitely shouldn’t ignore Transports. The Renown:Society 40 item gives a whooping +8 Persuasive, the Cowed Pony a +6 Shadowy.

You are also missing a few fate-locked items that are tied with the ones you listed. The Laconic Prodigy for instance. It’s probably easier to get in the midgame than the alternatives (if you are willing to pay fate).

The wiki-pages on the topic are pretty good and up-to-date, for instance here the one for Shadowy: https://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Shadowy_Items

For Dangerous weapons, there is also Cantigaster Venom, obtained in Sackmass through the widow’s storyline.

[quote=rahv7]Just wanted to add that a number of tier 3 profession items give a higher bonus than the one you listed. For instance, the Cosmogone Spectacles give +12 Dangerous, +12 Persuasive. Or the Shrine to St Joshua is a +9 Watchful Home Comfort.

You definitely shouldn’t ignore Transports. The Renown:Society 40 item gives a whooping +8 Persuasive, the Cowed Pony a +6 Shadowy.

You are also missing a few fate-locked items that are tied with the ones you listed. The Laconic Prodigy for instance. It’s probably easier to get in the midgame than the alternatives (if you are willing to pay fate).

The wiki-pages on the topic are pretty good and up-to-date, for instance here the one for Shadowy: https://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Shadowy_Items[/quote]

I have added all Tier 3 profession Items in a small seperate list and added Transportations as well!
I am aware of having left those out, I left the Laconic Prodigy out on Purpose at it requires a fair deal of Orphanage Scheming and Fate and it’s &quotonly as good&quot as the Ministers. Thank you for the headsup though!

I for one hoard all equipment for the simple reason that it adds up to maybe a thousand or two echoes at best (so like a week of grinding at most) and maybe at some point I might want to tailor my equipment to have an exact percentage in some particular challenge. In practice I will always be too lazy to do that, but I don’t like selling stuff off for a 50% loss anyway.

I think they are safe to sell. I personally wouldn’t, but that’s just out of an aversion to only getting half the price back, and wanting a large wardrobe just for the sake of it.

I don’t mean to usurp your list (and yours goes into more details on the cost of the equipment), but in case anybody wants to see it in a spreadsheet form, and perhaps wants to mark what they own, I have made a spreadsheet available here.
edited by Tuxi on 6/29/2018

Hello! I know this thread is a bit dead, and I’m a bit off topic, but I’ve been hearing &quotBiS&quot a lot and can’t figure out what it means. This is REALLY bugging me. Cursory google searches only lead to this specific thread and nothing else. If someone could tell me, I’d appreciate it a lot.

Best in Slot. So, whatever hat has the best stats of all possible hats, for instance.

Ah, that makes heaps of sense. Thank you!