
“A Clay Snub” starts this storyline. You’ll need an Exceptional Hat.
edited by Wieland Burandt on 4/25/2012[/quote]
I think you also need to get the Moderately Co-Operative Clothes Colony first, and then that storylet is replaced by a new gold storylet for the hat. These two storylets look the same, so it’s easy to mistake the new one for the one you already played. (That’s how it was for me, anyway.)

About grinding and paying your way:
I started out thinking bribes were the way to go, but once you get the hang of things, you should rarely have to pay to get much of what you want. The odds usually work out in your favor if you’re patient and wait for the right cards to appear. When the odds go against you, just take advantage of the options to cash out and you’ll still make a fine profit. Grinding to use up actions while you wait for cards is an extremely lucrative pastime here.
edited by Blast_Fantastic on 4/26/2012
edited by Blast_Fantastic on 4/26/2012

I think you also need to get the Moderately Co-Operative Clothes Colony first, and then that storylet is replaced by a new gold storylet for the hat.[/quote]
I got my hat before I got my Clothes Colony. Getting the Colony is far simpler than getting the hat, however, so most folks choose that story first.