Poll - would you vote for rubbery man as mayor?

So, I have been seeing a lot of assumptions over this and last election claiming that rubbery men were universally liked and would always win with a landslide, almost regardless of their opposition.
While I know a simply poll cannot determine this for the wider playerbase, I thought it would be interesting to see if this held true on the forums.
So, without further ado, how likely are you to vote for rubbery man as the new mayor of London?

Honestly, if there’s a Rubbery In The Polls, to keep it from being one-sided I almost feel like the Race would have to be something crazy, like 2 Rubberies with wildly differing platforms and then also a wild specist candidate.

Well, at this particular moment the polls are almost exactly even, with the two pro-Rubbery choices having precisely one vote more than the anti-Rubbery choices, and the largest group by far being neutral, so there isn’t much of a pro-Rubbery bias in evidence as yet.

What is their platform? How will they get it across? Where do they stand on matters of debauchery? These are all important questions a Rubbery Mayor must answer.

It depends on the Rubbery.
The Rubbery Racer: Never! That beast kicks women’s shins and has cost me a lot of amber in the process.
The Rubbery Entrapanuer seems a fine fellow, but I would have to know hispolicies.
Squidley Johnson: was robbed! I always said he was the right man-thing for the job!

Considering I’m MARRIED to a rubbery thing… I don’t imagine race would play a role in who I’d vote for mayor. Heck, I’d vote a Rat if they had a good platform… figuratively and literally.

Didn’t we just have an election where the forum polls were not representative of the player base? I think a Rubbery Man would mean a non-competitive election.

Though that’s not my biggest objection. To me, a Rubbery Man would be a very bad candidate because the game’s world building has made it pretty clear that they’re despised, feared, or hated by a majority of Londoners. And, this last election, the candidate who supported Rubbery rights came in third, so there was a chance for that to change somewhat but it was rejected.

I would’ve worded the poll options a bit differently:
Much more likely to support
More likely to support
Less likely to support
Much less likely to support

I mean, of course I would vote for a Rubbery Man if I liked that candidate better than the other two. But why would I like the candidate? Because of being a Rubbery Man, or for some other reason, such as political platform or supporting factions? The option doesn’t specify. Or maybe I misread it, and the &quotmight&quot actually indicates some apprehension, to show that I only might vote for a Rubbery Man even though I apparently like that candidate better than the others? If so, another reason to not word the options quite like that.

Right now the poll only says that an overwhelming majority would have no problem voting for a Rubbery Man if that’s the candidate they like. It doesn’t say how much people like Rubbery Men though. Other than players being much more accepting of Rubbery Men than Fallen London’s general populace. But we already knew that.

I had had similar thoughts.

The one person that would never vote for a Rubbery Mayor under any circumstances? You’re on Squidley’s hit-list.

[quote=Anne Auclair]Didn’t we just have an election where the forum polls were not representative of the player base? I think a Rubbery Man would mean a non-competitive election.
Yes we did, and as I noted this is not to discover whether the wider playerbase would vote for one or not, simply an experiment about how those of the forum feel.

[quote=Gillsing]I would’ve worded the poll options a bit differently:
A valid point. I will keep that in mind for next time.
But the reason I didn’t add anything about political platform or supporters etc. was that the original claims were that the players would overwhelming chose to vote for a Rubbery regardless of circumstance.

Why not just make Squidley Johnson a reoccurring Monster-Raving Loony type candidate? You know, it’s impossible for him to win, but he makes appearances and people can send some votes his way or something.

Squidley is a known proponent of the Lord Buckethead school of politics.

I wouldn’t not vote for a rubbery candidate, but I can’t say they’d be my first choice regardless of any other considerations. Before the favours conversion I don’t think I’d had any memorable interactions with them, and although I am now very fond of them I suspect that’s not an uncommon experience. My mayoral priorities are pretty much 1) friend to the poor, social reformer & anti associated villainy 2) not in bed with devils, fingerkings, Calendar Council, constables, or capitalists 3) a woman or explicitly pro-women’s rights 4) someone I’d enjoy having more stories about. So bring me a rubbery suffragist and I’ll be there with bells on.

I did not suggest any additional circumstances for the poll, such as political platform. Rather the opposite. I believe that you muddied your poll with unneeded and confusing circumstances. As the poll shows, few players would vote for a Rubbery Man ‘regardless of circumstances’. But players who like Rubbery Men should be more likely to vote for one, depending on circumstances, potentially bringing the vote from 33% to 50%. Which would be a landslide similar to Jenny’s and Feducci’s.

In one of the election threads I saw someone suggest that a Rubbery Man would get ~98% of the votes, but that sounds incredibly unlikely. I’m sure there are plenty of people who’d prefer to vote for a political platform regardless of circumstances, and then also disagree with the hypothetical Rubbery Candidate’s platform. But I’m also sure that there are plenty of people who would be willing to be swayed by a Rubbery Man’s suggestive tentacles and large, round eyes.