Poll: Best Exceptional Story of 2022

  • Adornment
  • Mistress of the Skies
  • A Stretch in the Sky
  • Totentanz
  • The Queen of the Elephants
  • Codename: Sugarplum
  • Dernier Cri
  • Inheritance
  • A Columbidaean Commotion
  • The Exile’s Chalice
  • A Devil’s Due
  • Salon Scandal!

0 voters

I used to do these every year on the old forums, where the software limited us to one vote per user. That very often lead to a runaway win by the one story everyone loved.

The new forums give us a lot more options when building polls. In the format I’ve chosen here, you can give a vote to up to three stories (but you don’t have to)! Very excited to see what comes of it… :smiley:

For those of limited memory, here’s a quick reminder:


by Harry Tuffs
Team up with the Superstitious Smuggler and investigate the mines of Mr Stones.

Mistress of the Skies

by Mary Goodden
Team up with the Striking Saleswoman and find the truth behind the Mistress’ collective.

A Stretch in the Sky

by Olivia Wood
Infiltrate a gang of thieves and learn the secrets behind their incarceration.


by Matt Diaz
Tomb-colonists flock to London in advance of their one, last dance: the Totentanz. Appease an ancient power that claims to hold even the Masters to account. Will you dance the true steps of death?

The Queen of the Elephants

by Harry Tuffs
Meet Queen Mary, the fashionable thief taking London’s underworld by storm.

Codename: Sugarplum

by Chandler Groover
How hard can it be to find a missing dog?

Dernier Cri

by Gavin Inglis
Explore unique Neathy fashions, design your very own lines, investigate the Persistent Prognosticator’s eccentric hiring practices, and help your Deputy Head of Design change hearts and minds one stitch at a time.


by Mary Goodden
A Sage Archivist is consumed by her study of the First City. Delve into the ruins below London to uncover a twisted legacy of love, memory, and duty.

A Columbidaean Commotion

by George Lockett
London’s bird population has suffered since the Fall. Help the struggling Philoperisteron Society elect a new chairman, learn the secrets of the Delightful Dove’s ever-sprouting twig, and find these birds a new place in the day-to-day life of the Neath.

The Exile’s Chalice

by Luke van den Barselaar
Explore a sunken island in search of ancient treasure.

A Devil’s Due

by Bruno Dias
Verity is on the hunt for a particular soul, and she won’t take ‘no’ for an answer!


by Chandler Groover
The papers print such outlandish rumours! But you were there. You saw it all. And yours is the tale that will separate fact from fiction.


I’ll allow myself to bump this … :smirk:

Why would someone bump a recent post?
Double checks when it was posted

Seems I missed your post, ops! No way for me to vote this, but maybe in 2 years I will catch up! :smiley: Thanks!

Oops – add one more for the Exile’s Chalice there, I overlooked it.

Poor Totentanz – I quite liked you, but it was a good year for Stories!


Yeah, Totentanz just missed out on my top choices this year too. They’ve been too many Masters centric absolute nightmares for me to fit them all in (give me a space bat and a chance to learn about impossible secrets that bend my mind and I am happy).

One more bump for the stragglers! :relaxed:

Oh man, I almost forgot about this…

Yet another win for Chandler! But a very honorable and deserved 2nd place for the Barse :heart_eyes:

I had the idea of making retro-polls in this format, e.g. “Best Story of 2021” etc but wanted to ask what you guys think about it before spamming the forums with unwanted polls…