Pls add expensive nonfate way to Flute St for wiki

Sorry for the clipped title, title sizes are really restricted on this forum! Long story short, as time goes on and Flute St content becomes more and more deeply intertwined with other parts of the endgame, it’s a huge pain to not have that content properly on the wiki because it’s fate locked. The fourth coil! The bone market! Helicon house! All areas where this comes into play.

Could you create a hyper-expensive non fate way of accessing Flute St? So expensive that most people would never take it, but allowing us to add the content to the Wiki. It’d be a nice quality of life improvement!
edited by Televangelist on 9/10/2020


The forum crashed on me and wiped my reply.

I’ll just &quottl;dr&quot and say that I think this is a bad idea.

In terms of FBG, I imagine it still makes a tidy profit. In terms of players, I think many people would resent what was promised to be exclusive content being then made free to all, without some form of recompense (as they effectively paid for nothing, but what amounts to early access).
edited by Robin Alexander on 9/10/2020

There’s plenty of precedent for content that could previously only be obtained with fate being made accessible by all.

And I’m not even asking for “accessible by all”! Make it cost a Heptagoat for all I care. The point is to have the info on the wiki. That would be a win for most players whether they bought the content or not, and seeing its importance might lead more people to purchase it if anything.

I don’t know specifics on that to comment, in regards to Fate content made free.

I do think that there’s a lot FBG could do in regards to Fate and EF prices that could be beneficial to them and users, but that’s a whole other post . . . I just think that some in-game content should remain fate-locked, and this would be one (in my opinion, obviously others would disagree).

The issue with having content on the wiki, is that users won’t be inclined to buy/play certain content with records of results and story on the wiki itself, and it becomes something of a spoiler, resulting in losses for FBG profits. Sure, if it’s not fate-locked, one wouldn’t have that problem, but it feels . . . I don’t know a polite word . . . but it feels like essentially one would be prioritising their desire for a complete wiki over FBG needs and needs of paying members. There is a lot that many of us would like for free, especially as other fate-locked content enters into the end-game, too, but that’s the issue . . .

FBG probably makes a lot of money from this story still from mid-game players, as it’s so large in content and interconnects with so much other content, and to make it free - which most players, no matter how expensive, would take - would deprive them of revenue (very much needed during Covid). In terms of paying-members, we didn’t pay for early access or a quick shortcut . . . it’s not like getting an action refresh card when paying for more actions, after all . . . we paid for exclusive content that couldn’t be had elsewhere, which would now be made elsewhere, and it would be akin to making EF content free. I don’t recall, to date, any EF stories being given out for free to users, even years later . . . maybe they should, maybe they shouldn’t, but the fact remains you pay for exclusive EF content, and it remains exclusive.

Why would you pay for/play any content, if you had a means to access it for free, and it was fully documented on a wiki? It’s hardly an advertisement to buy, but instead more of an incentive to grind free in-game to unlock it without paying physical money, an option <i> not</i> available to previous paying members, which is awfully unfair, too.

[quote=Televangelist]There’s plenty of precedent for content that could previously only be obtained with fate being made accessible by all.

And I’m not even asking for “accessible by all”! Make it cost a Heptagoat for all I care. The point is to have the info on the wiki. That would be a win for most players whether they bought the content or not, and seeing its importance might lead more people to purchase it if anything.[/quote]
I won’t render judgement on the main premise one way or another, but I would like to say that sacrificing a heptagoat wouldn’t be non-fate-locked as getting a hepta requires ubergoats which are fate items themselves (1 fate each, but fate all the same).
edited by Kaunisenkeli on 9/10/2020

We have a precedent though. The advanced ships. The ‘free’ price you need to pay is so absurd that you’d pay Fate nonetheless.

You mean a yacht or a submarine? Because I bought both rather easily. I mean, really, iirc, it required less than a week to gather all the resources, child’s play.

While I am concerned about Flute Street becoming increasingly connected to other content, making it free isn’t a good solution. Instead, add alternative sources for some of its unique items. Maybe we can excavate Rubbery Skulls in the Hinterlands. Maybe Helicon House has a rubbery canine denizen. Maybe—and I think this one is the most important—becoming Closest To the Rubberies means they’ll tell you of their underground organ, instead of one Renown item being randomly Fate-locked.

As for the wiki, does it really matter? There’s mechanical guides to Flute Street out there if you really want them.

There was a fate way to skip paying for the ship? I don’t remember that, it’s been so long.

If there’s a non-fate way to grind something, paying fate to skip the grind feels like cheating. I would never do it. The idea of adding a heptagoat-priced non-fate route to Flute street feels vaguely dirty, like I would have retroactively cheated my way in to some place that was supposed to be much harder to get to.

I am a bit of a hypocrite, though, since I have paid for one or two items that increased my BDR and bought the final lab upgrade. Somehow things that let you operate more efficiently don’t feel quite as cheaty as a pure “pay to skip this part” option.