Plaques, or Missives, for ASotC?

I’m on that Paramount Presence grind, so I’m going to have a truly stupid amount of Volumes of Collated Research by the time I’m done all the Notability grinds (doing newspaper grind > T3 conversions > memories of distant shores to collated research for making waves). I’d also like to get my SotC to 21 at some point, before I play Cricket, Anyone?

Now, I’m already a Correspondent. Assuming that I could find another Correspondent to 1:1 swap Missives with, would it be cheaper to burn plaques all the way to 21, or swap Missives to get to 21? I’m already at 15, so I’d be getting 1 CP from the missives, but I already have so many Volumes of Collated Research…

I’d really appreciate some help calculating echo/action efficiency for this. I’m not the best at optimizing gameplay, I’m not even sure where to start!

I’ve reached SotC 21 by plaque-burning. For those curious, it was because I realized I had about 16,000 Maniac’s Prayers from the Rat Market… I had forgotten I stocked up a month ago. The upconversion after that was easier than finding a fellow Correspondent to trade Missives with. Many thanks!

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Let’s see…

If I’m reading the wiki correctly, to go from 15 (+ 0 CP) to 21, you need 1960 plaques total (1286 for Correspondents) and a plaque is a half-echo item, plus 222 of items that go for 2.50 echoes (aeolian screams, extraordinary implications)

For missives instead, assuming you’re trading with someone one-for-one, you’d need to have 444 items that go for 2.50 echoes (implications, collated research) and buy 555 sheets of fire-resilient paper for 60 pence each.

I think this means that the plaque route is a better deal since you’re a Correspondent. Otherwise it would be worse but not by a dramatic percentage. I’d beg you to double-check my results before committing to a course of action, though.


Thank you so much! Okay, so I guess after this is time for me to calculate if it’s worth the time savings if I have to collated research to go for the implications vs regrinding plaques and other 2.5 items for the Plaque route, and the cost for various amounts of EpA.

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Kids today have it so easy. I had to conduct symphony after symphony after symphony to reach 21.

Ah… doesn’t writing a Symphony only give SotC up to level 10?

I recall doing the higher levels at a gallop during one of the festivals to ditch the menaces – Hallowmas maybe?

I’ve done it. Thanks for the advice!


I don’t remember! It’s been quite a while.