Personal Recommendation Grind

I need a few personal recommendations to finally purchase my salon. I was wondering what you all found was the most efficient way to grind stolen correspondence so I can accomplish my goal as fast as possible. Or, alternatively, a source for compromising documents and intriguing snippets to cut the conversion grind short. Thank you.

I doubt it’s the most efficient way, but I hung around Court for a while grinding this option under The Life of the Mind. 16 Stolen Correspondence a turn, plus some jade and, best of all, 1CP of MW each turn. So you can get your notability up while waiting on people to write those personal recommendations!

I doubt it’s the most efficient way, but I hung around Court for a while grinding this option under The Life of the Mind. 16 Stolen Correspondence a turn, plus some jade and, best of all, 1CP of MW each turn. So you can get your notability up while waiting on people to write those personal recommendations![/quote]
I did parties for their MW and after a few you get a straight personal reccomendation. however, i don’t need that many, which might make a difference for you.

Ambushing couriers for old time’s sake in unfinished bussiness in spite gives you either 40 stolen correspondence or less stolen correspondence but some touching love stories, it’s more effective than life of mind as long as you don’t get unlucky.