People of London, lend me your rats!

As some of you might now, I am, for all intents and purposes, a seeker of the name. However, I do not seek the name. The name will come to me, eventually, while I partake in the comforts of London. None of this circling, zailing, or fasting for me, thank you.
Since the day SMEN returned, I amassed 31 points of SMEN and the initial four candles through very half-assed means.
When people used the Seeking Road to gain their initial SMEN points, I waited for over half a year. When people grinded for enigmas for betrayal, I waited even longer to get mine from trade secrets. When people ground up their masterwork or family, I took a very short walk with my brand-new Noman and pushed it into the well. When people ripped their hair off going for Notability 12, I just asked someone who needed an extra user.

But for now, Erzulie seems like the roadblock. There doesn’t seem to be a way of going further than 31 from doing nothing, barring infinite replay of Chimney Pot Wars.


You get extra SMEN points from each of the candle after you gain it. It’d mean nothing, but my friend Passionario pointed out that there is a way of losing candles that isn’t just lighting Cerise. And like many things in Fallen London it relies on rats. Dead rats. Waxy rats. Rats of Glory.

Every Rat of Glory I get is a chance of me losing SMEN candles. Every reobtained candle is another point towards my destination.

So I ask of you, people of London - will you send me into space on a luxurious rat-fuelled rocketship?

My IGN is Call Now. I accept all the rats.

I’m not sure that actually works, these days.

Don’t see why it wouldn’t - long as the Rat takes the candles from ya, there’s no quality that tracks &quotyou’ve already got this candle once so can’t get SMEN from it again&quot.

Yes, but I’ve yet to hear of a reliable report that the Rat does take candles, these days.

Only one way to find out then!

It still does, don’t worry. The only thing that has gone away is the joke BOOM event.


I scored a smashing success on my own rat of glory! Then I forgot I need 150 memories of light and had to boot myself from the Nightmare Carnival, so the actual results are gonna take a while. But! It works! It’s happening! I can do it!

Please help me do it!

Send me thine rats of glory instead and help me amass an ungodly amount of Scuttering Squads!
It shall turn me into a Scuttering Squad Weaseller! (Rateller?)
<or send them to people who actually need them :) >

Why don’t you repeatedly burn St. Destins candle in the lighthouse of Winking Isle? That would give you two points of SMEN for one candle.
edited by NNNnobody on 12/7/2018

The first paragraph of the opening post should answer that for you.


I scored a smashing success on my own rat of glory! Then I forgot I need 150 memories of light and had to boot myself from the Nightmare Carnival, so the actual results are gonna take a while. But! It works! It’s happening! I can do it!

Please help me do it![/quote]

Is St. Arthur’s Candle immune? Just wondering why it didn’t show up on the list.

Yep, it’s immune! I guess it’s tangled up with so many other qualities (Footsteps of the False Saints [which is also used later at the Chapel of Lights], Stench of Betrayal, etc.) that they decided it was more trouble than it was worth to reset it and not break things.
edited by Barse on 12/7/2018

If you severed your own head but have it equipped, can you still lose Gawain? I lost Gawain, but I didn’t lose my head, so I just lost the quality.

This has led me to consider an interesting challenge though: sacrificing one of everything to the Well by repeatedly losing Cerise.

I know Seekers aren’t necessarily the most sensible of folk but that’s a hell of an envelope push mate.

Also happy to forego my rat to help this mad dream but currently cannot because you are capped at one RoG.

And your “they say” message is d___ed impressive.

(You can just do A Bad End, which removes all the candles.)

Please don’t do this, nvm. I misunderstood what you were asking for.
edited by Ixc on 12/8/2018