Patch Notes

Agreed; I just drew “Bones in the River” tonight.

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Well, it’s been few days already and I am left with a feeling that areas are now hollow and meaningless.

I just remain where I used my AP last time and just draw cards while the map becomes less and less important; the art, which reminded me to change the location, starts to become shallow. With time, these will probably fade into the background, especially when I’m on a run to use 4-5 AP.

I loved that the lodgings were filled with urchins, of course, I liked the Wolfstack cards even if I mostly enjoyed the silence of the FQ. I attended the funeral of a unlucky rat when I had no plans; this add more flavour, not the happiest, to the Hills where, as we know, there’s a Department there!


I agree. It’s all rather flat when the same cards come up everywhere.

Please reconsider. Also, I’d like the option back of having dynamic location art on the profile page as you move about the Neath.


August 14 bonus Patch Notes

Sixth Coil:

  • Upped baseline profitability a skosh.
  • Added a bonus reward for turning around if you’ve collected all four Burdens.
  • There’s now an upper bound on how much ‘Coiling Ever Deeper’ you have to lose to leave the labyrinth.
  • Fixed a bug where Temptation’s Presence was incrementing rather than being set to 1, causing it to (confusingly) keep increasing over and over.

So that was a bug? I did wonder.

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Week Ending 23rd August

  • Added new art for Rat-Shillings and Stuivers.
  • Rat-Shillings and Stuivers are now displayed on the sidebar.
  • Added several activity-specific qualities to the sidebar. Generally, these should only appear within the relevant areas.
    • Burglar’s Progress and Cat-Like Tread
    • Zailing…
    • Laboratory Research (Should only appear while inside the Laboratory)
    • Infiltrating… (Should only appear within the inner Khanate)
    • Advance! (Only in Parabola)
    • Finding the Centre and Perusing the Stacks
    • Fitting In and Time Remaining at Helicon House
    • Hurlyburly and Goat vs Goat (Only in the Castle)
    • On the Scent
    • Name Recognition and Campaign Duration within A Trade in Reputations
  • Added target values (a progress bar) to Burglar’s Progress, Cat-Like Tread, and Advance!
  • Removed Influence from the sidebar.

Posting here and both on Discord at the same time! :heartfl:
I’m sure glad Influence is gone from the sidebar while the rest are welcome!


Week Ending 30th August

  • Added ‘Chasing Down Your Bounty’ to the sidebar while at zee.
  • Added ‘Parabolan Research’ to the sidebar while within your Lab.

Week Ending 6th September

  • Tribute
    • Added three new qualities tracking how much Tribute you’ve generated from Favours, Winsome Dispossessed Orphans, and other economy items.
    • As those qualities go over 100 (for Favours) or 250 (for other qualities), the amount of Tribute generated begins to taper off.
      • Tribute from Favours tapers off from 23 down to 11.
      • Tribute from Mountain-Sherds economy items tapers off from 35 down to 22.
      • Tribute from most other economy items also tapers off slightly, usually only by one point.
      • Tribute from Orphans tapers off from 25 down to 20.
    • Spending Tribute on economy items at the Court of the Wakeful Eye now costs 1 action, rather than 4.
    • Spending Favours to generate Tribute now costs 0 actions.
    • Reduced the action cost of ‘Petition the Banded Prince with the Youthful Naturalist’ to match the new standard.
  • Favours
    • Spending Favours at Jericho Locks now gives 30e worth of resources (was 27.5e)
    • Spending Criminal favours now gives Bone Fragments rather than a Human Arm.
    • Spending Bohemian favours now gives two Ivory Humeri rather than Holy Thighs.
      • Ivory Humeri are now sellable at the Upper River for scrip.
  • Zailing
    • Completing a Khaganian Intrigue now gives an additional Vital Intelligence.
    • Hidden stashes (from ‘A Message in a Bottle’) can now be retrieved without actually entering certain locations that lock you into a set of actions before you can leave.
    • Hidden stashes now have more random upside; in rare cases, they can be 10 or 50 times the normal size.
    • The branches in ‘Arriving at Port’, to either enter a zee location or cancel doing so, now cost 0 actions.
  • Bone Market
    • Skeletons with two arms and two legs can now be declared reptiles, to the enjoyment of Therizinosaurus fans everywhere.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Vestiges of a Starlit Reverie, Samples of Lacreous Affection and Baited Riddles can now be sold at the Bazaar.
    • ‘Pass a rare well-charted stretch of Roof’ in ‘Travelling through the Air’ now costs an action, to bring it in line with other branches of its type.

Unironically this, emotionally, makes up completely for the tribute nerf I’m much less enthused by. This is everything, thanks FBG!!!


At first I thought this is quite a lot until I checked what these qualities mean: the amount of tribute gained via those actions, not the number of times you played it!

So the mountain shreds from this Estival lost a lot of their value!


And ivory humerus from the same festival could be sold directly for scrip or used for new reptiles. Who always wins? Bone market fans always win.

And we could build reptiles with pincers, I guess.


ah well, Tribute was the grind I’d always found the most fun but all things must pass eventually.

I do wonder about the poor timing though–did the group working on game rebalancing just not talk to the people in charge of festival rewards at all?


Fr. I think that’s what made me upset at first; if they’d disclosed it BEFORE the event or given a lead time for people to convert their stash it would have been less feel bad.


Just discovered the Zee treasure change… I was not expecting nearly 29,000 treasure from a box :star_struck:

Was the echo any different?

I am still annoyed that a miss-click on the Silk-Clad’s story costs 10 Fate to reset. It was my fault and I was too tired, that I don’t deny!
But paying 10 Fate to reset her story and 30 more to get her as a companion seems too much. Maybe attach a quality to reduce her recruitment cost.

Why I am annoyed by this and not the recent vignettes? Because the Silk Clad is very old in the game; similar to the Rubbery murders which was retired.

I urge everybody to give stash hunting another try with the new changes. I’ve unburied my first hidden stash post-update in the Iron Republic and it was about 32 k stashed treasure in value. No docking, no annoying, menace-ridden carousel. It’s definitely a lot more convenient as a way to earn additional money while actively pirating or traveling. And the chance of finding an x10 or x50 stash makes it exciting.

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Do you have to have your pirate flag flying to either generate a new stash target or to sail to the destination and pick up the stashed treasure?

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You do need it to draw the card, at the very least.