Paramount Presence Changes

[quote=Optimatum][quote=Tsar Koschei]I never really got all the fuss about the Notability grind. Sure, it takes a while, but it’s very simple to do. For the most part I just converted enormous amounts of tier 3 resources around the carousel, while attending parties, helping out the singer, etc.

I mean, is it an especially fun part of the game? No, definitely not. It’s a grind. But I don’t feel like it’s particularly more objectionable than any of the other grinds in the game, of which there are many, first and foremost of course being the echo grind.[/quote]

I agree that the Notability grind is tolerable, but there are reasons it stands out from other grinds.

First is the time pressure. Other grinds allow you to take time off, whether to play other stories or participate in seasonal events, to grind something else or even just take a break from the game. Notability is much less lenient. Not only does playing other content risk loss of progress, but even actively grinding can turn into time wasted if you’re too slow and hit TtH. Some people also like maintaining Notability for its own sake, where a short distraction requires significant effort to fix.

Second is the highly variable difficulty. This matters less for Paramount Presence and more for content that’s supposed to be accessible to everyone, but it tends to be memorable as a result. (Especially with two years of Notability grinds for Hallowmas.) But even for an endgame achievement, spending Fate on a few points of BDR still makes the grind exponentially easier.

Finally, Notability is more relevant story-wise than money. High-level professions, PoSI specializations, and Paramount Presence are all significant accomplishments reasonably interpreted as character milestones. Echo grinds give mechanical benefits, but how many players consider equipment bonuses relevant to their character’s story? How many more players pursue Paramount Presence than Cider or the Heptagoat?
edited by Optimatum on 4/20/2020[/quote]

As someone who has Paramount Presence (but not Cider and who was set back significantly by achieving my Ambition), I point out that more players likely have and will achieve PP because it is a shorter grind overall, despite its time-sensitivity. It takes a long time, and intimate knowledge of the RNG, to make enough Echoes to buy the Cider. Or the Heptagoat for that matter, though I believe the total amount of Echoes required for a Heptagoat is significantly less.

It isn’t. In fact, it is more expensive than cider.

It isn’t. In fact, it is more expensive than cider.[/quote]

I stand corrected.

I don’t intend ever to go for a Heptagoat myself; since I cannot stand the idea of spending that much time purely for the bragging rights.

[quote=Snort]Soooooo … I might make it by the end of May. All I need do is make a LOT of acquaintances and do London’s Sinew, recap my Watchful, and do London’s Nerves by the end of May. The last bit will be dicey, but it’s something to strive for.

So I’ll be firing off calling cards in all directions while grinding. If any of you are amenable, I would dearly love to send one to you. :)
edited by Snort on 4/26/2020[/quote]

I’ll help. My acquaintance list is littered with names I don’t recall anymore… so, I’ll take anyone who needs it. You can drop me later if you like.

Sure, feel free to send me an invite as well, I just did some acquaintance pruning

I haven’t been pruning yet, I need to very badly, but it also means I can only accept calling cards, not send them.

[quote=Her Ladyship The Ydell Sovereign][quote=Snort]Soooooo … I might make it by the end of May. All I need do is make a LOT of acquaintances and do London’s Sinew, recap my Watchful, and do London’s Nerves by the end of May. The last bit will be dicey, but it’s something to strive for.

So I’ll be firing off calling cards in all directions while grinding. If any of you are amenable, I would dearly love to send one to you. :)
edited by Snort on 4/26/2020[/quote]

I’ll help. My acquaintance list is littered with names I don’t recall anymore… so, I’ll take anyone who needs it. You can drop me later if you like.[/quote]

Alas, you seem not to be eligible.

And you seem ineligible, too. Perhaps I’m going about this incorrectly?

So am I still going to be a Paramount Presence at the end of all this, or am I going to have to do the new grind too? And am I going to get to keep my over-capped stats? Not sure I understand how this is going to work.

It would be nice if we could remove deactivated accounts from out list…

[quote=Hannah Flynn][color=rgb(0, 102, 255)]All of the benefits for Paramount Presences will be retained. Much of the content will be the same, but the grind will be more varied in future.[/quote][/color]The reason why we’re getting the Ancient Regime quality is that Paramount Presence will be made more accessible (likely as a result of the more flexible stat caps), and it’s to commemorate the pain of reaching it the current way.

But you can do that! Simply go to &quotAccount Settings&quot (at the very top of the page if you use a desktop machine, or go to &quotAccount&quot at the bottom of the movable sidebar on the left if you use a phone or tablet). In &quotAccount/Account Settings&quot look for your &quotContacts&quot and click the &quotx&quot beside the ones you wish to eliminate. That’s it!

Now, unless the person or FBG has deactivated the account (so that it’s marked DEACTIVATED) you may not know whether a user has just stopped playing FL and doesn’t intend to return; that’s a different problem.

But you can do that! Simply go to &quotAccount Settings&quot (at the very top of the page if you use a desktop machine, or go to &quotAccount&quot at the bottom of the movable sidebar on the left if you use a phone or tablet). In &quotAccount/Account Settings&quot look for your &quotContacts&quot and click the &quotx&quot beside the ones you wish to eliminate. That’s it!

Now, unless the person or FBG has deactivated the account (so that it’s marked DEACTIVATED) you may not know whether a user has just stopped playing FL and doesn’t intend to return; that’s a different problem.[/quote]

If I understand correctly, Her Ladyship is referring to removing deactivated accounts from Acquaintances, which—as those accounts no longer exist to receive the social action—requires contacting support.

Oh boy, I do regret having neglected my grinds for so long. I need two more qualities, and about 1100 scraps. Time to go back to grinding full-time.
Can someone remind me where you change your specialisation? I can’t find it anymore, especially with the location reshuffle making everything a bit harder to locate.

[quote=Dudebro Pyro]Oh boy, I do regret having neglected my grinds for so long. I need two more qualities, and about 1100 scraps. Time to go back to grinding full-time.
Can someone remind me where you change your specialisation? I can’t find it anymore, especially with the location reshuffle making everything a bit harder to locate.[/quote] Your Social Engagements → Attend to Matters of Society! → A reputation… Another Way

Oh, thanks. I thought it would be there, but I’m guessing it doesn’t show up until I actually get N12, so I got thrown off by not seeing it.

Is there a title or is this referencing the &quotParamount Presence of the Ancient Regime&quot quality?

Well, this just throws a wrench into the long-term plans I’ve been making. Saving my salon-based scheming, waiting for specific events in the hope of getting some (non-fate) higher BDR items, and other such things for the notability grind. None of which will be in place by the end of May, much less the grinds for the various London’s body parts qualities. Oh well. Adapt, adopt, and improve. Old plans die, new ones must be made. Hey-ho.

I have London’s Blood, London’s Nerves, and London’s Marrow. I thought the notability grind would be the limiting factor, but after doing some quick math I actually don’t think I can get my Dangerous up to 200 in time. It’s only 184 at present.

16 levels, at 70 change points per level, is 1,120 change points. Assuming you have 30 days to work on this, that’s only 37 change points per day. That sounds feasible even with boring grinds that only give 1cp per action.

There’s plenty of ways to accelerate that. Before anyone else mentions social actions, I’ll bring up Favors. Turning in 5 favors with either the Tomb-Colonists, the Revolutionaries, or the Docks on their respective Faction cards will earn you 105 change points. If any of your other plans involve a lot of card-flipping (and my route to Notability is to fish for Salons), then you’ll probably collect those at the same time. With no other source of Dangerous, you could accomplish that with 11 turn-ins (55 Favors, 66 total card draws + actions). That’s a lot, but feasible for a month, and easier because you’re fishing for any of several cards (pro tip: University has a card that grants TC favors).