Panther Kitten Adoption Agency

I would be interested in a Parabolan companion. It’s a shame I hadn’t heard about FL until recently, so never had the choice to buy a panther. No hurry, of course.[li]

Edit: Thanks, Dov. I love the kitten already. He even helped a little with Nightmares.
edited by Taleria on 7/14/2014

I’ve just received a rambunctious little kitten whom I have named Minuette. Many thanks to Aisa. Please contact me if I can gift you with anything in return.


I have just recieved a Parabolan companion, my deepest gratitude to Johnny Felix. Feel free to contact me if you ever need anything.
edited by derkatt on 7/14/2014
edited by derkatt on 7/14/2014

I’ve sent Vidock a kitten, as they sent a PM asking for one.

New kittens! Come and get them!
PM me if you still need one.

Update: Sent one to Taleria
Update: Sent one to Isa1187

edited by dov on 7/14/2014
edited by dov on 7/14/2014

I would be delighted, and grateful, if someone would sent me a Kitten.
If there is the possibility and I where to obtain more kittens I will sent them to others kitten-less citizens.

Thank you very much an_ocelot, the kitten has been received.
edited by tyrrelduckard on 7/14/2014

I really wanted a Panther, but backing at that level was just too expensive. I’d be grateful to be considered for kitten adoption.

In return, I present you (what else?) cat pictures.

EDIT: Kitten received. A thousand purrs to an_ocelot for entrusting me with a real live pet, something people generally seem curiously reluctant to do. BRB – just heard a series of crashes from the shelf where I keep the Abominable Salts.
edited by Suitov on 7/16/2014

1 Like

I am sending kittens to tyrrelduckard & Suitov.

Greetings dear fellows!

I’m new in the city, but i find it a really interesting one, you know, coming from the surface things are really different here. When i am not at zee, pursuing my dream to be the most famous captain in the zee, i just pretend to be a wannabe literate in Fallen London, but you know, things are dangerous here, so i’am cautious as a cat… and talking of cats i’m going to the point, i would really be grateful to have one of those cute kitten, since i would really appreciate it’s company at zee as at mainland.
You have my word as a gentleman and as a zee-cat (well, formely dog, but don’t let your kittens be scared! It’s just a word!) i will take care of it and keep it dry and warm also in the darkness of the zee, i swear this by my ship!

I have received a beautiful kitten from RandomWalker, many thanks to you good sir. I will take good care and play with him every day. If you ever need anything just ask
edited by Vidock on 7/14/2014

would like to get in on this. do rather like cats and the opportunity to acquire more if any are willing.

I Just Received a frisky kitten from Vita Luxium, you have my gratitude good sir!

and i know have a kitten. yay thank you Vita Luxium

I’d absolutely love a kitten, if anyone has one they’d like to give away to a good home!

Edit: Yay! Thank you, Vita Luxium! Everything IS better with kittens :D
edited by Dalencienn on 7/16/2014

How many do people get a week? Wish i hadnt missed out on backing, id have supported this game.

Thank you for the kitten Kerim. I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him, and i will call him George.

Ah, this is a bit belated, but I have a kitten now, thanks everyone. I’m not entirely sure what to do with the creature (Sunless Sea tie-in I presume), but it is adorable nonetheless.

Denizens of Fallen London:
As a gentleman of discerning yet eclectic taste, I’ll admit I would enjoy the company of a kitten… If anyone happens to have such a feline to spare, I’ll guarantee its life will be filled with bits of paper to kill, a bowl of cream, and a fair amount of furniture to deface.

I thank you for your consideration in the matter of kitten adoption.

The Dark Gentleman

Thank you Vita Luxium for my very own Parabolan Kitten. It is a delightful addition to my lodgings. (7/17/14)

edited by The Dark Gentleman on 7/17/2014

my alt would enjoy having a kitten. thanks in advance.

Jacob has received an adorable kitling from Kerim - thank you, good Sir!

Now, to see that the d–ned plant does not take her for another supper-weasel…