Panther Kitten Adoption Agency

Have 3 kittens here. PM me if you need 1.

Hello, I have many kittens, but do not have friends. If you want a panther and a friend for friendly social actions, ask me.

Please send one kitten to Apollyon.

I would like a kitten.

thank you!!

I’d love to have a kitten if someone is willing to part with one.

I too would simply adore a kitten, if there is one in need of a home!

If someone is so generous, I would very much like to have a beautiful panther kitten.


I have received my new kitten. Thanks to RandomWalker!
edited by Arcsbane on 11/4/2014
edited by Arcsbane on 11/5/2014

Kittens have been sent to Winifred Hemperton, Xiaoya Song, and Arcsbane

Thank you RandomWalker!

Thank you so much, much, muchly!

May I have a kitten, please? I would be ever-so-grateful!

Kitten sent to CelestinaStar

You’re ever-so-kind! Thank you much!

I’d love to have a kitten if there’s any to spare.

I find myself embarrassingly without kittens as well. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could spare one.

Thank you RandomWalker!

Kittens have been sent to MrUnderhill89 and August Brown.

Just got it. Thank you!

Thank you!