Panther Kitten Adoption Agency

[quote=Zedock Fogg][quote=babelfishwars][quote=Zedock Fogg]I will name it after you, of course[/quote]


Thanks a lot![/quote]

:-) GOOD kitten name. I approve.

As much as Iā€™m concerned with what will be the result of having a starveling cat and a parabolan panther in the same abode (itā€™s enough work keeping the catā€™s claws away from my beloved writing desk), my curiosity is simply too much. I will gladly (and nervously) take any kitten that might need rehoming.

Presently seeking Parabolan panthers and all other manner of kittens and pets. I can presently offer one box in return or whatever other social action available to a new PoSI is fair.

[li]Kittens sent to Fairweather and Caninicus.

Oh Frabjous Day, Callou, Callay!
A favor is happily owed, Madam.

My sincerest gratitute to Ms Scribbles. Though itā€™s not quite the feline friendship I was hoping for. Mr Whiskers (yes thatā€™s what happens when you let one of the local urchins name your cat) currently has the new kitten cornered behind the armoire, andā€¦ oh damnation, now theyā€™ve knocked over the hell fern. It is NOT going to be happy about that.

How adorable!

I could provide a loving home to any unwanted kittens.

Lady Louisa Finch-Hatton

EDIT: Iā€™m all out of kittens now. Iā€™ll see what I can do by next week.
edited by Nigel Overstreet on 8/26/2014

[li]Kittens sent to Motor Mage and Louisa Finch-Hatton. You are all most welcome.[/li]My kittens have all found persons until a new litter arrives, an_ocelot may still have some, see below.
edited by Sally Scribbles on 8/27/2014

Thank you so very much, Madam, I am delighted with the little rascal.

I also have a bunch and indeed and going to stop enabling their reproduction because my Panther looks a bit harassed. Send me a coffee request and Iā€™ll send one along, Iā€™m not on the forums much these days.

Oh, please take off that list! i edited my post a long while ago, but somehow I overlooked Iā€™m still up there.
edited by HinterDemGlas on 8/25/2014

Yeah, that list hasnā€™t been updated in over a month.

Oh you are a dear.

I would also be willing to give a loving home to an offspring of your Parabolan feline.

Well, that was quick. Many thanks, Sally!
edited by Inpiun on 8/26/2014

[li]Kitten sent to Inpiun. That cat hit the basket and was out the door faster than an urchin chasing a runaway pie cart.[/li]I currently have 5 chaotically cuddlesome kitties looking for good homes. Message me as you prefer to make a request.
edited by Sally Scribbles on 8/31/2014

Iā€™d love a kitten if anyone has one to spare!
edited by Sephiroth2727 on 9/1/2014

Kitten sent to Sephiroth2727

Thanks, Dov!

I too would be quite interested in adopting a kittenā€¦ though I am often absent from my lodgings by night, the kitten would certainly have my strange green lodger to keep her company, and we could pass the days together slumbering in relative peace (if the disgraced rattus would cease pistol drills in the living room, that is!)
I would be more than happy to aid in any menace reduction as a thank you.