Outfit-locked Areas

[color=#ff00cc]We have reviewed the map areas in which outfit changes remain restricted. [/color]
[/color][color=#ff00cc]We’ve reviewed the content and removed locks from most of the game. We’ve left them in just a few places, where we thought they would serve a flavourful, appropriate and relatively easy introduction to the concept of outfit-locked areas.[/color]
[/color][color=#ff00cc]In each case, you will receive a warning that you will not be able to change outfits while there, along with a hint as to which quality or qualities would be useful.[/color]
[/color][color=#ff00cc]These are the areas that will remain restricted:[/color]

[ul][li][color=#ff00cc]The Shadows of the Orphanage (Light Fingers)[/color]
[/li][li][color=#ff00cc]The Abyssal Depths, The Convent (Bag a Legend)[/color]
[/color][color=#ff00cc]Making Your Name[/color]

[ul][li][color=#ff00cc]Beneath the Silken Chapel (A Name Scrawled in Blood)[/color]
[/li][li][color=#ff00cc]Embarked on a Heist (A Name Whispered in Darkness and other content)[/color]
[/color][color=#ff00cc]Fate Locked / Exceptional Stories[/color]

[ul][li][color=#ff00cc]Deep in Bugsby’s Marshes (The Blemmigan Affair)[/color]
[/li][li][color=#ff00cc]Caution, The Bleeding Forest, Outside The Prison of Flint, The Grey Vineyard (Flint)[/color]
[/color][color=#ff00cc]Scientific Expeditions[/color]

[ul][li][color=#ff00cc]Bullbone Island, Corpsecage Island, Grunting Fen[/color]
[/color][color=#ff00cc]Red Honey Dreams[/color]

[ul][li][color=#ff00cc]The Chambers of the Heart[/color]
[/color][color=#ff00cc]We have plans to continue to make use of outfit-locked areas in more complex and interesting ways. If we decide to apply more content locks to existing content, we will announce it ahead of time. In terms of new content, if we use outfit locks as part of their design, we intend for players to discover these as they play, with signposting.[/color]
[/color][color=#ff00cc]We look forward to seeing what you think! [/color]

Sounds fine for me. I’m looking forward for the new content.

I really hope for interesting stuff in stead of an try&error chain with different requirements. :)
For me the Watchmakers Daugther content was an worthy experiment, but one that has shown how it should not be done.

I see no unnecessary resrictions here, all of those make sense, and it’s really very cool that you decided to publish comprehensive list (and also incredibly cool how you responded to whole situation and listened to feedback). Really looking forward to this new content :+)))

This seems much easier to work with than before! Of note: the Reflection of Your Laboratory appears to be another locked area. Remember to equip Dangerous gear for the Reflection of your Grubby Urchin before you go in!

Thank you very much. For me, this post (and the approach you’ve taken) basically represents the perfect way to handle the whole thing. From up-front warning, signposting and hints to flavourful choices, it shows you’ve been considering your players’ feedback seriously and carefully - and you’ve also nicely handled this for Fate-locked content.

I for one am looking forward to seeing and exploring new content, implementing your vision the way you want it to.


Makes sense to me, having outfit locks as a mechanic specific to areas where you think it’ll improve the experience seems reasonable

EDIT: I retract my concern, as SaraFBG confirmed that the changes did indeed go through within that 24-hour gap.

ORIGINAL POST: I think this list is not exhaustive; I played through Daylight yesterday, just ~24 hours ago, while clearing out the ES backlog on my alt, and the island in that story was outfit-locked, but not listed in this announcement.

Either the outfit lock for that area was removed just in the past 24 hours, or the list above is not exhaustive.
edited by hwoosh on 8/11/2020

[quote=hwoosh]I think this list is not exhaustive; I played through Daylight yesterday, just ~24 hours ago, while clearing out the ES backlog on my alt, and the island in that story was outfit-locked, but not listed in this announcement.

Either the outfit lock for that area was removed just in the past 24 hours, or the list above is not exhaustive.[/quote]

I suppose it may be either case.

For what it’s worth, this morning, the Chessboard in Parabola was outfit-locked, while from afternoon on, it was unlocked. So there may have been a broader lift today, though I can’t guess what is and isn’t locked.

It would definitely be helpful if people report when they encounter a lock in a place that isn’t listed here, Fate-locked or otherwise. And I mean helpful both to us players, and potentially also to FBG as feedback.

I have no issues with this list at all.

Good. Good stuff. Thanks for listening to us.

I now feel positive about these changes.

[color=#ff00cc]Thank you for the warm responses! To confirm, this list is meant to be exhaustive. The removal of the locks in the places that had remained locked only came into effect shortly before we posted the announcement. However do let us know if you encounter anything we might have missed - the best and most effective way is support@failbettergames.com.[/color]
edited by SaraFBG on 8/11/2020

[quote=SaraFBG][color=#ff00cc]Thank you for the warm responses! To confirm, this list is meant to be exhaustive. The removal of the locks in the places that had remained locked only came into effect shortly before we posted the announcement. However do let us know if you encounter anything we might have missed - the best and most effective way is support@failbettergames.com.[/color]
edited by SaraFBG on 8/11/2020[/quote]
Thank you for confirmation :)

This is certainly a big improvement over the less-than-successful initial implementation. Mostly I’d like to see more outfit slots for free now instead of just for subscribers and fate, but failing that at least the filter function makes wardrobe changes a little less aggravating.

Thank you very much, Sara.

And the Watchmaker’s Daughter is baaaack …

And thank God for that because it means I’ve finally experienced it after somehow not drawing the card in the entre time it previously was available