Ordering Abilities

Is there any way to put abilities which share the same category in a specific visual order on the sidebar? Or is there some internal logic to how they order themselves? For the life of me I can’t figure it out. It doesn’t appear to be alphabetical, and it’s not in the order they were added to the character.

For example, I have three abilities in the “sidebar ability” category: Argument 1, Argument 2, and Clock.

But on the sidebar they appear:

Argument 1
Argument 2

and seem to stubbornly stick that way no matter how I add, remove, or value them.
edited by Brandon Carbaugh on 10/19/2012
edited by Brandon Carbaugh on 10/19/2012
edited by Brandon Carbaugh on 10/19/2012
edited by Brandon Carbaugh on 10/19/2012

[quote=Brandon Carbaugh]Is there any way to put abilities which share the same category in a specific visual order on the sidebar? Or is there some internal logic to how they order themselves? For the life of me I can’t figure it out. It doesn’t appear to be alphabetical, and it’s not in the order they were added to the character.

For example, I have three abilities in the “sidebar ability” category: Argument 1, Argument 2, and Clock.

But on the sidebar they appear:

Argument 1
Argument 2

and seem to stubbornly stick that way no matter how I add, remove, or value them.[/quote]

I thought it was in the order they were created? Mine show as

State of Being - 2755
Fighting Alley Duels - 3145
The Naming of Cats - 3890
Identity - 5488

with the four-digit number being the qualityId, which I think is steadily increasing.

ETA: to answer your question, I’m afraid I’m not sure if there’s a way to order them.

edited by Torrain on 10/19/2012

Ah, I see. So, short of making a new ability so it has a higher ID number (which would be silly) there’s really no way to change it at the moment?


That kinda sucks. I came on here to ask the same question, and am glad I found a concise answer. What’s the likelihood of implementing a way to organize those better?

I’d suggest the Suggestions thread for this one, if it’s not there already.