On the making of a spider-council (Drabble)

[This is inspired by a RP book that I own, and by the silly thought I had at 3am one night - what if someone could become a spider-council?]

December 10
Today she got a letter from the doctor who had replaced her eye. It was addressed to ‘Ms. Fnord,’ and thanked her again for subjecting herself to the first experimental procedure. He informed her that he had, since, completed several other entirely successful procedures. She couldn’t read the rest. Her eye hurt too much.

December 14
Today, something is throbbing in her head, and no matter how much whiskey she drinks, she cannot relive the pressure.
That night, she dreams of feathery legs pulling themselves free from her face, and her eye coming free with them to escape down her throat. In her dream, this does not bother her. When she wakes, it does not bother her, either.

December 15
In the bath, she breaks down into racking sobs. The water is all wrong, but she can’t see why. She can’t see at all. She leaves red footprints on her rugs when she dresses, hours later.

December 16
Today, she tears the letter into small pieces. The throbbing refuses to leave, and it’s started in her stomach as well. The procedure had been perfect, at first. But the doctor could not explain why there was pain, and sent her home each time with philters and medicaments that did not help the sharp ache in her head. She hated him.

December 17
She eats a rat, wrapping its body in pastry. She pretends it is the doctor. When it struggles, she laughs, and sucks the eyes from its head. Its skull crunches and grinds in her teeth. She has another. And another. She does not know where they are coming from. She cannot stop eating.

December 19
Out of remorse, she pieces the letter back together. She can see it perfectly. Her eyes are fine. Everything is fine.
Her fingers itch, so she chews them off.

December 25
She scratches at her skin until there is none left. Outside, she can hear carolers. She covers the window with draped silk to block the sound, and continues to pull her loosening teeth from her jaw, one by one.

December 26
Today, someone comes looking for her. She presses herself into the dry dark of a cabinet, and feels their gasps and retching. One of them brushes aside her webs. They had found the blood and the skin. They think she is dead. She understands.
She leaves the cool dark of her corner and crawls to them. One makes a noise. She is so very hungry, and they all had such beautiful, bright eyes.

This is sick and twisted and my new favorite thing. The completely matter-of-fact delivery really suits the absolutely horror of what’s going on, and I love “Her fingers itch, so she chews them off.” Thanks for sharing.

Out of curiosity, what was the RP book? It reminds me a bit of the Baali clanbook from Vampire: The Dark Ages.

Ooh, good book, haven’t looked at that one in a while.
No, it’s the Book of Unremitting Horror, The Book Of Unremitting Horror .


[quote=ErisFnord]Ooh, good book, haven’t looked at that one in a while.
No, it’s the Book of Unremitting Horror, The Book Of Unremitting Horror .


It seems interesting.

[quote=ErisFnord]Ooh, good book, haven’t looked at that one in a while.
No, it’s the Book of Unremitting Horror, The Book Of Unremitting Horror .


I need a copy of this. Like, now. runs off for her purse