Offspring of Humans and Neathy Denizens [Spoilers]

It’s no secret that Fallen London’s in-game relationships aren’t often, shall we say, simple. More specifically, the variety of sentient beings within the Neath and beyond the stars have lead to love stories involving romance between species to occur. These tales are dispersed far and wide throughout the game’s story, both major and minor in respects to the overall plot, to the point that one’s own character may partake in this scandal of the heart. What complicates this matter even further are the outcome of this particular love: children. It’s difficult to tell what the offspring that comes from the relationship will be, since past examples have ranged from somewhat comprehensible to flat-out bizarre. Yet despite these living enigmas of genetics appearing throughout the game, I’ve only seen two examples among these hybrids having a human parent. Those hybrids in question being Maybe’s Daughter (Irrigo-soaked Human + Dream Tiger) and the unborn child of Clarabelle from the Light Fingers! Ambition (Human + Moon-Miser).

So, with the lack of offspring from the love between humans and Neathy denizens in the game, I wanted to know what the FL community thought would come from such a relationship if one were ever to prove fruitful in bearing children. That is to say, what do you think the hybrid children would be from each kind of pairing with a human? Even ideas of offspring from non-human parents would be welcome as well for discussion. I’d also love to hear of any such beings that I’ve missed in the game that anyone would like to point out.
edited by Sir Joseph Marlen on 8/8/2015

I remember a particularly intelligent, helpful and respectful member of this community (who wrote one of the earliest and best money-making guide) wanting to marry the Albino Rat himself. Haven’t seen him post for years though.

Some of the available bachelor(ettes), if you want to experiment:
The Big Rat (not recommended, have all the downsides of a hobo with none of the hobo-charm)
Rubbery Men (too expensive to boink, both for regular Rubbery and Nacreous Outcast)
Snuffers (available cheaply at the Foreign Office, with your choice of faces)
Devil(ess) (size and numerical differences are problems in procreation)
Rattus Faber (size differences, also rats are frequently eaten in London)
Clay Men (size and textual differences are problems in procreation)
edited by Estelle Knoht on 8/8/2015

Bringing this old thing back for amusement’s sake.

Well, we know human/Rubbery and human/Clay couplings are possible, if not necessarily… productive. And there’s some suggestion even of a devil/Rubbery affair taking place. Are offspring of such unions possible? To quote the boys from the Dwarf, I don’t know, but it’ll be a lot of fun finding out.

A number of urchins are known to be part zee-creature, if memory serves.

For some reason, I keep thinking the one with the birthmark might have more airy parentage - the thunder god perhaps?

Sunless sea explains how Slivvy got his &quotbirthmark&quot

he was struck by lightning during a storm while in the flit. The mark is known as &quotstorm’s kiss&quot. The implication is that he wasn’t born with the birthmark, similar to how the player character obtains a novel birthmark when they obtain the spire lodgings.

Whereas I’m referring to the Sunless Sea ending where the PC morphs into an eel, which he can do because his father was himself an eel.

I am slightly afraid to speculate how that coupling took place.

I am slightly afraid to speculate how that coupling took place.[/quote]

Peligin works in mysterious ways. If irrigo can do weird stuff in its cave, who knows what peligin can do in the depths of the Zee?

[spoiler]False-star light on the water, in the moment before your dive shatters the surface -
The eel, lithe as an otter, harsh-skinned as a shark -

The pounding embrace of threshing waters -

The Movement and the Act, which cannot be performed above the water or in the sight of living men -

The ecstatic roar of the Eel -

The liquid, spilling warm into the icy water. The Hunter’s sacrament -

You rise from the water with your &quotharpoon&quot hooked neatly into your clothes. Your bo’sun sees the predator’s secrets in your eyes, and lowers his gaze with an understanding grin.[/spoiler][/i]

[spoiler]False-star light on the water, in the moment before your dive shatters the surface -
The eel, lithe as an otter, harsh-skinned as a shark -

The pounding embrace of threshing waters -

The Movement and the Act, which cannot be performed above the water or in the sight of living men -

The ecstatic roar of the Eel -

The liquid, spilling warm into the icy water. The Hunter’s sacrament -

You rise from the water with your &quotharpoon&quot hooked neatly into your clothes. Your bo’sun sees the predator’s secrets in your eyes, and lowers his gaze with an understanding grin.[/spoiler][/i][/quote]

Oh the wide dark zee, oh my love…

[spoiler]False-star light on the water, in the moment before your dive shatters the surface -
The eel, lithe as an otter, harsh-skinned as a shark -

The pounding embrace of threshing waters -

The Movement and the Act, which cannot be performed above the water or in the sight of living men -

The ecstatic roar of the Eel -

The liquid, spilling warm into the icy water. The Hunter’s sacrament -

You rise from the water with your &quotharpoon&quot hooked neatly into your clothes. Your bo’sun sees the predator’s secrets in your eyes, and lowers his gaze with an understanding grin.[/spoiler][/i][/quote]

When Fascinating… meets The Hunt is On! ;)

[spoiler]False-star light on the water, in the moment before your dive shatters the surface -
The eel, lithe as an otter, harsh-skinned as a shark -

The pounding embrace of threshing waters -

The Movement and the Act, which cannot be performed above the water or in the sight of living men -

The ecstatic roar of the Eel -

The liquid, spilling warm into the icy water. The Hunter’s sacrament -

You rise from the water with your &quotharpoon&quot hooked neatly into your clothes. Your bo’sun sees the predator’s secrets in your eyes, and lowers his gaze with an understanding grin.[/spoiler][/i][/quote]

Halfway between mortification and awe at this.

Just like my Romantic Khanate Literature!

What manner of thing are the Winsome Orphan’s parents who the little scamp can meet at your orphanage ?

[spoiler]False-star light on the water, in the moment before your dive shatters the surface -
The eel, lithe as an otter, harsh-skinned as a shark -

The pounding embrace of threshing waters -

The Movement and the Act, which cannot be performed above the water or in the sight of living men -

The ecstatic roar of the Eel -

The liquid, spilling warm into the icy water. The Hunter’s sacrament -

You rise from the water with your &quotharpoon&quot hooked neatly into your clothes. Your bo’sun sees the predator’s secrets in your eyes, and lowers his gaze with an understanding grin.[/spoiler][/i][/quote]

Gosh, is it warm in here, or is it just me?

I’m not sure it’s really been made clear yet. There’re two possible successes which don’t even necessarily seem to imply the same thing. Whoever his parents are, they’re from far away (hints of Parabola (green eyes), the nadir/Elder continent gate (violet eyes), the Zee and the Elder Continent (item rewards)). His father is tall and mute. The urchin dreams of a place far away and is thirsty when he dreams.