October Exceptional Story: Death and Tax Evasion

I’ve been stalled early in the story to the point of missing most of a day’s actions, because I’m struggling with the choice to do something that feels out of character for my PC (working for the tax inspector instead of investigating what’s up with the rats) or skipping a significant portion of the story.

I know it’s probably not that important in the long term. But by playing in character I’ve missed out on big segments of some Exceptional Stories before (I’m thinking here of the 12:15 from Moloch Street, which landed much more poorly for me than it seems to for most because I skipped an important bit in the middle), and it never sits well. If it were a case of two paths to choose - like ‘pick between more tax content or more rat content’ - I’d be fine with it. Or ‘do the tax content first, or do the rat content first.’ But in this case it’s ‘get all the content, or miss out on some of the content for no reward.’ There’s a ‘right’ choice, and it’s the one I wouldn’t naturally take. So I feel like I’m being told I’m wrong for having an image for my character that doesn’t match the story.

I’ll probably make my decision soon (probably by finding a way to justify doing the out-of-character thing), and the story has been fun with the little I’ve gone through so far. But it feels like I’m playing wrong either way, either by denying myself content or denying my picture of my character, and I just wanted to get that off my chest.


Trying to figure out how anyone but another Rattus Faber would be able to craft or use handcuffs small enough to fit properly on a rat.

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If Mr Stones can commission prison bars from the same qualities that bind us to our position in society ala Lowells Locks and Cages, they can come up with handcuffs for LBs.

I’m probably the only person who sided against the rats, and the story feels like it’s screaming at me for making the wrong decision in terms of how abruptly the story just ends. I regret absolutely nothing. I know exactly what happens after death in the Neath, and quite frankly it has nothing to do with the Bible and everything to do with being eaten by a Judgement. So I’m neither impressed by faith nor the alternative of what amounts to the Infinite Tsukuyomi, but for rats given the ultimate fate of the God-Eaters in Sunless Skies haven’t convinced me dreams are a viable way to stave off death indefinitely.

EDIT: Oh! Nevermind, someone else did on Discord!

Very interesting to see a story that began in Mask of the Rose playing out here! I wish I had a Ferret so I could see the relevant tie-in. I enjoyed this! I’m not Christian but I’m happy to see whose who do believe keep their faith progressive and inclusive and I’m happy to help the rats do their thing!

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Yeah that’s where I am