Not Sending a Disordant Missive

EDIT: 'ello Friends! I 'ave now not set up shop to not send Missives to all who need them.

Hello delicious friends. I am currently not looking into matters at the Hurlers station. I have not encountered any problems that would require a Discordant Missive, and furthermore, am not looking for another player to send me one. (Possibly I would not send them one in return). My profile is not Fallen London

Sent you a calling card.
Would greatly appreciate it if you did not send me a missive in response.

I definitely have 5 Stewart, which means I will definitely send you a missive as soon as possible. (Aka give me 2 weeks? I’m at 3)

I am also not looking for a Discordant Missive, and would not greatly appreciate it if I could be sent one. I would also not potentially be able to send one back (but I am currently at SotD 3 so might be a little while). Thanks! Erimentha
Edit: I am (not) at SotD 5 now so I would (not) be able to return the missive!

Hello! For reasons you don’t know, I also find myself with no use for this sort of Missive. I’d be happy to return the favour. Look for the dog that talks.

I too am not looking for a Discordant Missive, because no such thing exists. So if you have Steward of the Discordance at 5 or more (but why would you have such a thing, since the Discordance cannot be studied?), I’d greatly appreciate it if you could not send me one. I would be happy to return the non-favour or provide any other kind of missive which might actually exist.

I have now not completed my study of the Discordance, because such things obviously cannot be studied.