Noman's Friend Melt Rate Tracking 2017

Jan 17: You’ve lost 52 x Noman’s Friend (new total 29 - The Noman is almost gone)

Darn, that was close. I’m glad I fed it some lacre. Leo doesn’t have very good luck with his Noman…

1/16, 1414 ET: Lost 64.

Jan 17: Lost 47 x Noman’s Friend.

Could have been better, certainly could’ve been worse.

Made my noman today! My TtH comes on Tuesdays at approximately 3:30 pm Pacific Standard Time, which is 11:30 pm in UTC. The plan was to start right after TtH but I didn’t have any warm amber and the only place I could get some without waiting for the right opportunity card was Corpsecage Island, which delayed things.

I already have the tattoo from 2016, and I could have got a second copy in 2017 if I didn’t think getting additional noman tattoos was a silly idea. So that’s not my goal exactly, but making a noman and keeping it alive as long as possible has become a yearly rite for me. Unfortunately I didn’t play FL very much in '17 so my supplies consist of one bottle of Tears of the Bazaar and some Fate to throw at archaeological expeditions and favourable circumstances. (Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise, since my noman marathon has repeatedly collided with an anime convention that usually falls either on or right before Valentine’s Day and trying to do both at once is a pain.)

Jan 18, pm - 50 NF loss

Jan 18 AM - 48 NF lost

Jan 19, lost 38

What doesn’t help is that our wifi has decided to play up to day…which really puts a dampener on everything except watching DVDs
edited by Deathjack999 on 1/19/2018

The first time NF dropped from 100 to ~55, and Jan 18 late PM dropped again to 8. It seems like 45 is approximately average, right? So I guess I have a week to advance its progress to 15 before the friend departs…
edited by Tintinnabulum on 1/19/2018

edited by Deathjack999 on 1/20/2018

Jan 20 - lost 46NF

Forgot to feed my alt’s Noman the two ToL I had and, not sure if NF can go negative, but, if so, I was very unlucky as I lost the last 62 today, 20th Jan, 15:00 GMT.

But all shall be well, it will be!
edited by Skinnyman on 1/20/2018

It can’t go negative; if you get a loss exceeding the amount of Noman’s Friend you have, it just goes to zero.

So to confirm - if you lose exactly the amount of NF you had left, it’s not an interesting data point, correct?

[quote=Dudebro Pyro]So to confirm - if you lose exactly the amount of NF you had left, it’s not an interesting data point, correct?[/quote]I think it’s still useful. For example, Skinnyman’s loss of 62 tells us that it can go at least that high (which is very important, since it helps identify if there’s a trending increase in Melt Rate this year compared to last year). However, if he only had, say, 12 NF and lost it all this week, then it’s not quite so useful. In fact, I’d scrap that loss of 12 since it would skew &quotreal&quot data for the week.

The best suggestion I can think of is to report NF loss no matter what, but mention if it hits zero. The actual text from Time the Healer would be ideal, something like &quotJan 17: You’ve lost 52 x Noman’s Friend (new total 29 - The Noman is almost gone).&quot

edited by idyl on 2/6/2018

Just to be clear, 62 is not an increase in melt rate from last year. At this point both this year and last year, the max you can lose is 65.

(18 minutes ago) You’ve lost 72 x Noman’s Friend (new total 50 - A little time remains to the Noman).


Had 74 Noman’s Friend. Lost 74 Noman’s Friend. Why do you do this to me RNG?

[PS. I lost 44 Noman’s Friend on the 16th, which really wasn’t that bad]
edited by Hark DeGaul on 1/24/2018

[quote=Hark DeGaul]Had 74 Noman’s Friend. Lost 74 Noman’s Friend. Why do you do this to me RNG?[/quote]Do you know how much you lost on the 16th, by any chance?

Also just lost 74 Noman’s friend, there is no way I can preserve him more than another week. Even if I spend all my time trying to gather Tears. The loss rate is obscene, I’d need to spend a whole year stocking up on Tears of the Bazaar.
edited by ShroudedInLight on 1/24/2018

I lost 38 on the 16th and 70 today. I think I underestimated how punishing this would be as well.