7 Jan lost 24 NF.
14th of Jan, around 1:30 PM GMT, my alt lost 49 NF.
Now, as both of my characters said their goodbye to their frozty friends, here are my data points (time and date in GMT):
Cattus Schroedingeris:
[January 07th, 12:13 PM] -39 x Noman’s Friend (new total 64)
[January 14th, 12:13 PM] -59 x Noman’s Friend (new total 10)
Kitty Schroedingeris:
[January 06th, 11:35 PM] -29 x Noman’s Friend (new total 51)
Seems like the next time period of loss (with >50 Noman’s Friend) started today, on January 14th.
[quote=c-schroed]Seems like the next time period of loss (with >50 Noman’s Friend) started today, on January 14th.[/quote]On top of that, it looks like the increase is larger than in previous years. Usually the second week is 35-65 with an average of 50. Right now the average is ~55. It’s only six data points so far, but it’s looking like the range for week two is 40-70, which might have an effect on people’s tattoo plans.
Edit: Eh, maybe not. Eighteen data points for week two now, average of 53.3. Still high, but the range is looking 35-65, as per previous years.
edited by idyl on 1/17/2020
Too frigging busy, but just enough time to throw in mine:
17th of Jan, around 13 GTM my Noman only lost 39 NF.
17th Jan, loss of 53. There were only 53 points left, so unsure if the “real” loss was more.
Must be a warm winter this year.
1/17, -52
17th Jan, Time the Healer came and took 49 Noman’s Friend from me.
9th Jan: -39 NF
16th Jan: -60 NF
Only one point left!!
E’s 2nd Noman: Jan 17th, ~14:00 GMT: -65 NF (new total 35) [oof]
J’s 1st Noman: Jan 17th, ~18:00 GMT: -46 NF (new total 54)
[quote=Tintinnabulum]Jan 10, 3:30PM-ish EST (for both)-- 22 NF lost on my alt, 42 NF lost on my main. Doesn’t seem fair, but such is life.
edited by Tintinnabulum on 1/11/2020[/quote]
Jan 17 3:30PM-ish EST-- 47 NF lost on the alt, 53 on the main.
Jan 17: 54 NF lost
Jan 17: You’ve lost 47 x Noman’s Friend
I’m out. I let my Noman go. 50+54. There was no way I was going to maintain this any further.
What’s the current cost at the Wicket? I haven’t started mine yet because I lost track of time.
Whelp, that was a lot of echoes burned! Now to watch the little guy melt and collect some data!
Starting point: at Noman’s Friend 1438, on 1/20 .
edited by Amalgamate on 1/20/2020
Never mind, it’s 15 now and I only have 12 after completing Sacksmas. Which is just high enough that huffing Tears wouldn’t help either. See you next year, I guess.
January 21, 59 NF lost.
21st of January my alt’s Noman lost the last 51 points. It is clear that that value could have been more, but at least it’s in the day’s values.
[quote=Amalgamate]Whelp, that was a lot of echoes burned! Now to watch the little guy melt and collect some data!
Starting point: at Noman’s Friend 1438, on 1/20 .[/quote]All buckets or a combination of buckets and Tears?