New StoryNexus themes

Hello people, Liam here. I just wanted to give you a quick update on the StoryNexus themes and what you can expect in future.

StoryNexus has had a lot of new features introduced over the last few months and there’s much more to come. To accommodate these changes, we’ve revisited each of the themes, tidying them up and differentiating some elements that have been similar across themes up until this point. This means creating new themes will be faster and simpler, and we hope to release some additional designs soon. A green alternative to the default StoryNexus theme is included with this update.

We have also improved the requirement icons so that there is much more information on display at a glance. The icons should now inform the player if he qualifies for the choice, whether their quality level is too low or too high, and the target level required to unlock the choice. Wordy qualities will not display a number, but instead have information on the required level in the tooltip. These improved quality requirement icons are now live across all StoryNexus games and will be introduced to Fallen London soon.



Thanks Liam! I dig the new requirement icons. Very user-friendly and a lot less word-salady.

Hi all,

These themes are now live. Just in case you haven’t stumbled across them, here is a link to a preview of each of them:

Many thanks,


We love themes. Mooooore themes…

We don’t even mind if you don’t create completely new ones. Just a couple variations of background hue or fonts for the existing ones would give our worlds a chance to not all look the same.

Your wish is my command HanonO.

Blog post:

I love it! It tempts me to begin my second game with a horror theme early!