New Player looking for friends


I started playing this game about a week ago for the first time, and in all honesty I’ve been having a great time. I know I’m just barely scratching the surface of it, so I’ll be entertained for quite a long time I’d say.

So far the one aspect I do not fully understand nor use is the contact. I understood, from browsing around, that many have friends and/or a patron!

Basically this is my long-winded way of saying uh, hello! Does anyone want to be my friend in-game! I promise to be very clueless about everything ever.

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Hugh Helmsley would be chuffed to have a more impressionable open-minded acquaintance! Feel free to send a calling card, as well as other various invitations to shenaniganry, and he will probably respond in kind!

Feel free to send a calling card to Jeffery Huglleberry! Any invitations to social events are very much welcome!

Phaere it’s always curious to make new acquaintances, he’s new in town as well.

Send me a calling card in-game, I’ll send a kitten your way and assist in any other way you may require.