New Option at the Empress's Court

There is now a &quotMaking Your Name&quot option at Court for starting a Romance. Useful, since it clarifies how you’re supposed to proceed.

– Mal

Neat, now all we need is a high persuasive check and a high persuasive lock on that card to skip the romance step altogether for anyone that’s either aromantic, asexual, unwilling to cheat on their partner, or in a monogamous relationship, or maybe just plain not interested.
edited by Cecil on 1/7/2016

[quote=Cecil ]Neat, now all we need is a high persuasive check and a high persuasive lock on that card to skip the romance step altogether for anyone that’s either aromantic, asexual, unwilling to cheat on their partner, or in a monogamous relationship, or maybe just plain not interested.
edited by Cecil on 1/7/2016[/quote]
A persuasive challenge that ends in a non-sexual ending would be ideal. You are still to pursue one, or both’s, freindship, but to go no further than just freinds.

Bah, I didn’t say card, what are you talking about Cecil. I said storylet, what ever else could I have said. I must need sleep…

You can actually conclude your affair with the barbed wit chastley. I don’t think that the same is true of the acclaimed beauty, but I’ve never taken that path. Anyway, that may help anybody keen to avoid a sexual encounter.

There’s still some courting involved, however chaste you might be.

Oh absolutely - apologies if I came off as dismissive, I know this is an important issue for a lot of us, and not one I’d wish to downplay.