New Gear Live

Not much to report, but adornments have been made live so check your gear load outside! Currently we have access to 3 possible bags of luggage on the Bazaar Side-Streets but they’re all a bit pricey. We also have a new shop in the Bazaar for adornments.

Just wanted to be sure people knew ASAP.


Also Crew in Wolfstacks.


Thanks for the headsup!


The carpetbag has +1 bizarre, +1 inerrant. Is Inerrant a stat for all of them, or do the others have different ones?


Sorry to double post - what’s the name of the Crew storylet? I don’t see anything new at Wolfstacks


My compulsive inventory sorting/matching instincts are screeching at a hypersonic volume in response to this change to my profile page…

(I’m quite fond of Pontoppidan, but he has no business in the center of the arrangement. :angry: )


The others have Neathproofed and Insubstantial, which all form a set of similar secondary stats now.

Get crew in Wolfstacks from the storylet where you raise Zeefaring. The one that requires Zee Legs. There’s also crew available in Gaider’s Mourn, as one would expect, but I’m short on rostygold by a few thousand.


Thanks! I hadn’t gone looking inside the old ones.

Edit: huh, is it odd to anyone else the Zeasoned Zailors don’t give you any Zeefaring?


How much does it cost?

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Twenty thousand rostygold.

And a stat check the likes of which I’ve literally never seen before. Dangerous + Zeefaring + Dreaded. Not three stat checks, one single check that claims to be against that sum.


Presumably, there will be a third Crew somewhere. I would bet at the Khanate.

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I wonder if there won’t be four crews, assuming they all simply increase base stats. Cf. three luggages for three BDR values and three additional stats.

Edit: wait, the pirate crew is a BDR bonus so toss that assumption. I guess there could be any number with whatever sorts of stats, then.

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The pirate crew is +2 BDR, the basic one is +4 dangerous - I’m not seeing a theme but I’d bet we’ll get a lot of random ones over time. In particular I’m thinking next Fruits of the Zee will have a Zubmerged Crew option or something.

Also, I was able to pass the check with a second chance, but three stats is nuts. Even with the Prophet bird and the crew of the Ramilies, which as far as I can tell are the only items with all those stats.


Oh hell yeah man, new items!!! Goona a get this stuff next time I get out of the “your activities” tab-been there for a couple of days grinding bones for Helicon house.

Jesus that’s one hell of a check! I might still do that, honestly, but thanks for telling the thread about this.

I see you, Disco Elysium fans hidden amidst the FB writing staff. I’d know that Unjustifiable Necktie under a slightly different name anywhere.


The check itself is quite high - I have 7 zeefaring and 206 dangerous, and it was still somewhere around 44% success for me (unfortunately I don’t remember exactly which items I had on at the time, aside from the prophet and the Ramilies crew.) It also costs 20k rostygold. I know that was already said, but still. 20k.


whistles and does it consume the rustygold on a failure? Either way, impressive that you managed to pass that! :+1:

Is anyone else having this problem with the Adornment category on PC web browser?

And just like that, it seems like it’s fixed itself.

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I’m not sure - I used a second chance, and succeeded on that second try. Hopefully not?

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