New Forums Software: Your Thoughts

Oh heck mp! Let me see if I can release you from your 3-letter prison

Edit: I have done this, you can reduce your name to its correct natural form now <3

We may take the time to beef up the look of the place once we’ve settled in a bit, but as it’s a forum for all of our games we probably won’t make it look exactly like FL. (The next thing we’re developing isn’t even set in the FL universe.) :)

Thank you! …But there’s a follow up issue: I don’t seem to have an option to change my username at all (I looked through the Preferences section, including Account, Security, and Profile subsections). Some quick googling indicates that there should be an “edit” button next to the Username field, but I don’t have one - it may have something to do with some admin-level permission settings?

No worries, I’ve done it for you, and I’ll monkey with the settings so others can tweak their usernames too.

@captainbloodstorm Unfortunately, Discourse doesn’t like spaces in usernames. If you’d like to break your username up, you could consider adding underscores. It does allow spaces in your ‘real name’ though. I can change the settings to display real names over usernames, but I think in most cases that would cause more trouble than it solves. :)


According to this forum, they already have! :upside_down_face:

Hmm, true. Perhaps a trade is in order here! Any South Americans want some extra America? ;)

We’re not giving them Toronto, if that’s what you’re asking.


Still feel unenthusiastic about the infinite scroll, but otherwise quite like the new system. The new signature-banner-on-click is aesthetically very nice, and even though we were all fairly responsible in keeping our old signatures to a reasonable level it makes reading a bit more stream-lined.

Spent far too long thinking to myself, “has it been a web sight all along??” before realizing the correction. Almost feel like we made the wrong choice back in the '90s.

I reserve the right to re-evaluate depending upon how this evening’s results shake up.

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I was wondering if there was a way (which I haven’t found yet) to reverse the order of posts, so the most recent is at the top?

Just in case anyone was as slow to find it as I was, the solution for the ‘infinite scroll’ is to select the numbers in the bottom right corner (ie 12/148) and then enter the last number in the Jump to field and it will take you to the end.

Also, rather than clicking the name of a thread, you can click on the last update time in the ‘Activity’ column - that will take you straight to the most recent post.

Oh no. Oh no.

My forum reputation, painstakingly acquired over the years. The only currency that mattered.

All gone.


You’ll just have to talk to the Amanuensis to rebuild your Notability. :smile:

I tried to connect my account to Discord, but all I am getting back is a json with an error in it. Is this supposed to work?

I and others have observed similar issues, so it seems to just be broken at the moment

Is there some way to quote in a reply?

Is there some way to quote in a reply?

Sure is! Hit ‘Reply’, then hit the quote button above the text field (looks like a "), then copy in the text you want to quote.

You can also just highlight the text you want to quote, and a “Quote” button shows up.

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Oh, nice one! Also, you can just put a > at the start of the line, and anything after that will be in quote form.

Like this!

Thank you Diptych and Idyl.

For you and others that are interested in your old profile, you can either check your browser history for a link similar to this “” and copy it with the ID as well. If you somehow don’t have it do this:

  1. On your desktop, visit your profile page, for example
  2. Open the Dev tools of your browser; usually it’s F12
  3. Hit the Network tab and select XHR from the filters (next to others like CSS, JS, Fonts, Images, etc)
  4. Refresh the page to start recording
  5. You should see requests to summary.json
  6. Select it, head to cookies of the request and copy+paste the aspnetforumUID.
  7. This is your user ID and use it to complete the link from the start.

Now, just visit the (greaaat) website paste the link to your old forum’s profile and pick the last snapshot available and there:

As a side note, the site hosts a vast… well, digital archive of music, movies, books, software, internet arcade and so on. I am in no way affiliated with it, but I think everyone should know about the existence of such museum.