As per the wishes expressed during the recent poll on Reddit, I present you a simple extension that adds a button to open a Fallen London Wiki page corresponding to the current storylet:
P.S. If you like this extension and want to show your appreciation, then send me a Parabolan Kitten or two. ;)
(Or just a photo of your cat. Or just sponsor a cat in your local shelter. This is cool, too.) edited by Alasterin on 8/28/2021 edited by Alasterin on 9/6/2021
If you stick that in the base game, FBG will get bug reports every time a wiki entry is missing or inaccurate. You can say that the wiki isn’t technically part of the game itself, but that’s a very fine distinction for the majority of people who would see it.
Yeah, if FBG actively put that as part of the base game, then they’d basically be signing up to keep the wiki up to date and accurate - because it would immediately turn it into official documentation. And I really doubt they want to do that work.
As a fan thing though, it seems pretty awesome. I’ve installed it. edited by amalgamate on 8/25/2021
This is great! Using it now with Firefox and I think I found a bug. The icon appears when I go to sell something at the bazaar but it doesn’t do anything. Not sure if it was intended to show up there or if its just not set up yet.
Oh, no, that’s definitely a bug. A new version (1.5.0) will trickle down in a couple of days and hopefully, it will be fixed there. If not, please let me know!
No, YOU are the best! Thank you for your kind words!
Oh, no, that’s definitely a bug. A new version (1.5.0) will trickle down in a couple of days and hopefully, it will be fixed there. If not, please let me know!
No, YOU are the best! Thank you for your kind words![/quote]
I was getting this bug before as well (also with firefox, to be clear), but it’s gone now! I like the update.
There is suddenly a bug (in version 1.8.2) where the location name in the top right corner (Welcome to XYZ, delicious friend!) becomes clickable and leads to its correspondening wiki entry. Maybe this is even a feature, but if so it’s not working right: the displayed location name never changes from the one displayed when you first log in, no matter how much you then travel around London (or indeed, even the Hinterlands). It’s quite disorienting.
I’m using Opera only and haven’t tested any other browsers. I’ve deactivated the extension for now and everything’s back to normal. But since I’ve been making heavy use of the extension ever since it was first released (thank you so much for creating and maintaining it!), I hope it’s repaired soon