Nemesis Conclusion part 1

[color=#0066ff]Psst, delicious friend -[/color]
[color=#0066ff]Seeing as you’re a forums member, how about a little secret access to the first part of Nemesis’ conclusion?[/color]
[color=#0066ff]Sentiment is a luxury you cannot afford. Not until you have had your debt in blood.[/color]
edited by h4nchan on 1/14/2020

Shhh, I won’t tell anyone.

[quote=Hannah Flynn][color=#0066ff]Psst, delicious friend -[/color]
[color=#0066ff]Seeing as you’re a forums member, how about a little secret access to the first part of Nemesis’ conclusion?[/color]
[color=#0066ff]Sentiment is a luxury you cannot afford. Not until you have had your debt in blood.[/color]
edited by h4nchan on 1/14/2020[/quote]
I regretablly have no nemesis, but the gesture is not lost on me, thank you fbg for fostering an open and brilliant community, it has been a joy to be a part of it, all the best the old man

I have no chill, and this update was incredible. That’s all - thank you FBG, I can’t wait for the next part.

Was someone on the forum going to write a summary of the Ambition events? Because I started Nemesis a long time ago when I didn’t know what I was doing and d__n if I can remember most of what has happened…

You get a summary right at the start of this new part! You can spend an action at the first step of the update to reminisce, for a pretty thorough overview of the Ambition this far - I’m very glad they thought to add that in.
edited by Barse on 1/14/2020

[quote=Barse]You get a summary right at the start of this new part! You can spend an action at the first step of the update to reminisce, for a pretty thorough overview of the Ambition this far - I’m very glad they thought to add that in.
edited by Barse on 1/14/2020[/quote]
Thanks for the intel, and thanks to FBG for anticipating this!

[quote=Barse]You get a summary right at the start of this new part! You can spend an action at the first step of the update to reminisce, for a pretty thorough overview of the Ambition this far - I’m very glad they thought to add that in.[/quote]Wow, this is amazing!

[color=#0066ff]Nemesis is now available to all. I hope those of you at the boundary are having fun with it![/color]
[color=#0066ff]Yeah, we thought a PREVIOUSLY ON NEMESIS was required! Seemed only polite![/color]

I did, actually, in case you still want to read it. :)

[quote=Hannah Flynn][color=#0066ff]Psst, delicious friend -[/color]
[color=#0066ff]Seeing as you’re a forums member, how about a little secret access to the first part of Nemesis’ conclusion?[/color]
[color=#0066ff]Sentiment is a luxury you cannot afford. Not until you have had your debt in blood.[/color]
edited by h4nchan on 1/14/2020[/quote]

I love you. Will you marry me ?

My only disappointed so far is that special bat is not a new companion

Hannah, I get the error &quot[color=rgb(189, 178, 158)]nemesisearlylaunch438768295782’ has already been used up and was not applied&quot[/color] when I follow the link. Is that to be expected? (It’s also worth noting that I have never, not ever, received a Bat with Attitude. sad sigh)


That was done too. Look at this thread:

…For those who do not have a Bat with Attitude, is there an easier or simpler way to obtain one besides through the &quotParliament of Bats&quot card? I can’t say that I like having to rely on luck again to advance through a story.

Unless they added a new source, no, that’s the only way.

[quote=Tom Davidson]Hannah, I get the error &quot[color=rgb(189, 178, 158)]nemesisearlylaunch438768295782’ has already been used up and was not applied&quot[/color] when I follow the link. Is that to be expected? (It’s also worth noting that I have never, not ever, received a Bat with Attitude. sad sigh)


The ambition update is now public, and you do not need the code to access it.

[quote=suinicide][quote=Tom Davidson]Hannah, I get the error &quot[color=rgb(189, 178, 158)]nemesisearlylaunch438768295782’ has already been used up and was not applied&quot[/color] when I follow the link. Is that to be expected? (It’s also worth noting that I have never, not ever, received a Bat with Attitude. sad sigh)

[color=rgb(189, 178, 158)]

The ambition update is now public, and you do not need the code to access it.[/quote]
how do we access it? is it going to come up among our ‘sometimes’ cards, or is there somewhere specific I’m supposed to go to start it off? sorry if these are silly questions

[quote=Iris Sims][quote=suinicide][quote=Tom Davidson]Hannah, I get the error &quot[color=rgb(189, 178, 158)]nemesisearlylaunch438768295782’ has already been used up and was not applied&quot[/color] when I follow the link. Is that to be expected? (It’s also worth noting that I have never, not ever, received a Bat with Attitude. sad sigh)

[color=rgb(189, 178, 158)]

The ambition update is now public, and you do not need the code to access it.[/quote]
how do we access it? is it going to come up among our ‘sometimes’ cards, or is there somewhere specific I’m supposed to go to start it off? sorry if these are silly questions[/quote]

Assuming your ambition is nemesis, and you’re caught up to the previous update, it should be a storylet at the top of the page. It might be lodgings, as that is where I was.

I really wish the same thing! The bat sounds so cool