Ne'er have I e'er...

Have you done/experienced the latest post’s content, in the game?
If so - post something you haven’t!
(to clarify: if you haven’t done the above post’s action either - wait for somebody else to post something you have!)
Optional: add the number of things in the thread you did do or experience, in brackets.[/spoiler]
I’ll start:

Never have i been to the Slow Boat.
edited by Masseurse on 3/30/2021

[quote=Fing A. Prince]Rules:[spoiler]
Have you done/experienced the latest post’s content, in the game?
If so - post something you haven’t!
Optional: add the number of things in the thread you did do or experience, in brackets.[/spoiler]
I’ll start:

Never have i been to the Slow Boat.

Never have I investigated the Twelve Days of Mr Sacks with anyone other than my own self, and no other.
edited by Catherine Raymond on 3/30/2021

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]I’ll start:[/color]

Never have i been to the Slow Boat.
edited by Catherine Raymond on 3/30/2021