My opinion!

I was chatting on IRC and everyone was talking about how people argue so much about election xD
So I said this might be similar to Neopets where players yell and argue during wars xDD
They said I should post it here so people can calm down! :cool:

I just started playing so I don’t understand these three people, they all look so weird.

Sinning Jenny is a nun who is also a prostitute and part of a monster slaying organisation.
The Bishop of Southwark is a Bishop who wants to fight the forces of hell, was once in the army and wrestles people for fun.
The Contrritan argues for random points at whatever takes his fancy and has ties to revolutionaries.

Any more then that you need to investigate. (:

Also, welcome and have a nice time. We are usaly a lot nicer but these are interesting times.
edited by Kylestien on 7/13/2016

^ Yup.
(A quote that leapt to mind was &quotYou met me at a very strange time in my life&quot, but then I realised it was from Fight Club, so… not that. :-p )

With the Election (and SMEN immediately before it) being the centre of everyone’s attention, things have been strange lately. But I’m sure things will settle back to normal(ish) soon enough. :-)

[quote=Robin Alexander]
Ooh, I do like that quote!

Do you know which quote I was reminded about?

Paraphrased: &quotThere was a curse that went: ‘May you live in interesting times’&quot ;)
edited by Robin Alexander on 7/13/2016[/quote]

Now there’s a question, though: Between Ankh-Morpork and Fallen London, which one has more, uh… interesting political campaigns? (Also, how come I haven’t seen a single crossover with these two yet, come on people.)

Not quite a crossover, but a close cousin to one.

Turns out the betrayal was Eaten was once the master behind crossovers between the two but the other Masters got tired of reading fanfics about Sinning Jenny’s And Nanny Ogg’s younger days and that’s why they had him eaten.

Now there’s a question, though: Between Ankh-Morpork and Fallen London, which one has more, uh… interesting political campaigns? (Also, how come I haven’t seen a single crossover with these two yet, come on people.)[/quote]

Well, there’s the Last Constable, who’s somewhat Vimes like in character.

You know, I just realised: Ankh-Morpork does not really HAVE political campaigns. It has a Vetinari.

“Ankh-Morpork had dallied with many forms of government and had ended up with that form of democracy known as One Man, One Vote. The Patrician was the Man; he had the Vote.”

Sayre’s Law: &quotThe politics of the university are so intense because the stakes are so low.&quot

Seems the same principle applies to Fallen London.
edited by Beau Mercy on 7/13/2016

I think we may be slowly discovering that FL might be inspired by Discworld. I’m more than ok with this.

Life is inspired by Discworld.

(or maybe it was the other way around . . . . probably not)

Honestly, people just like taking the opportunity to roleplay fervently, I just hope none of the bad sentiments will last longer than the election itself does.

I like the Fallen London community. The tone on the forum is generally so erudite and quick-witted, I’m super into it.

I think most of the antagonism is tongue in cheek, and people are fiery about their candidates, but noone’s going to be salty about it after the fact.