My condolences to the UK.

You have dramatically advanced the liberation of night.

And this. Keeping Brexit in perspective. - yes my tongue is in my cheek.

edited by Snotra on 6/26/2016

Well, economically, if worst come to worst, the UK can always sell London to these charming hooded figures - I hear they can give you a really good price for that…

I think the referendum should have required a supermajority to make such a massive change, and I think there should be a second referendum between now and the finalization two years from now. An anecdotally large amount of people seem to regret their “protest votes”, and there may be a different outcome now that people realize their votes DO count.

The EU also reminded me vaguely of the US under the Articles of Confederacy, except that it seemed to work quite well with the cultural divides in Europe. I think that the EU has problems, especially concerning how hard it is for citizens to petition for change, but I feel they are entirely solvable.

If anyone disagrees with me on what I just said, feel free to dispute it. I might be weird, but I actually enjoy online debating, especially when I find I was wrong or confused. (That doesn’t mean I’m supporting the Jovial Contrarian for mayor, though.)

The Eurozone is a bit problematic as it makes targeted fiscal policy almost impossible. While shared currency is great and all, distinct economies require specific actions to resolve crises, and the only solution would be to somehow make all of the Eurozone economies merge with each other.

I have seen one poll about voter happiness in the referendum, and it put the amount of leave voters unhappy with the result at 1%. Unless this poll is wrong to a ridiculous degree, it’s safe to say that the protest voters wouldn’t have been enough to turn the tide.

My condolences are absolutely for all the people in the UK who are now experiencing torrents of racialised abuse. Disgusting.

That does seem to be what it all comes down to. For all the debate about economics - and I’m not convinced anyone really understands economics, even economists - the one group who are absolutely delighted with the result is the Neo-Nazis.

It’s happening! But what is the price?

Londoners call for capital to break away from the rest of Britain following Brexit vote

Seriously though whatever side you are on, I just hope that your country will recover from this transition soon.

I was wondering whether Fallen London storylines may reflect this decision in the future.

I think that already happened.

&quotPolice believe there has been an increase in hate crimes and community tensions since last week’s referendum. Initial figures show an increase of 57% in reported incidents between Thursday and Sunday compared with the same days four weeks earlier, the National Police Chiefs’ Council said – 85 incidents were reported compared with 54 during the earlier period.

&quot“It’s no coincidence this has come off the back of the EU vote,” said a police source.&quot

Sad times.

&quotJoanna Ciechanowska, the director of POSK’s gallery, who has lived in the UK for 35 years, said she had never encountered racism before.

“All of a sudden a small group of extremists feel empowered. The margins of society feel that they can do it because they think they have the support of half of the nation. It’s sad because living here for so many years and being married to an Englishman I have never actually encountered any racism in this country, and this is the first time it happened straight in my face.&quot