My character loves the sun - goals to reach?

In a role-play sense, my character is taken aback by the lack of solar luminosity that exists within the confines of fallen london, he wishes to escape to the surface and bask under the glorious light which is the sun above the skies (that is if the sun isn’t just a memory or a lie).

I don’t know much about the lore, I just started playing 4 days ago and am having a blast with the storytelling, the comedy, the dark horror and the immensly creative worldbuilding that is the fallen london universe. To keep myself interested for the long fun run, I wanted to give myself a big goal (which eventually ended up being the canon goal of my character) is to have a sun for himself, his very own sun like son. He is religious celestial who believes in the heavens, one that flavours well with his kind heart, he tries to be benevolent with other people, creatures, things, anything (perhaps naïvely so). Helping them through any task that he deems to be right and just with hopes of one day going to heaven where he believes he’ll meet his sun. (consider him lawful good in dnd alignment standards)

I’m kind of a noob on a free echoless account and am aware that choices start becoming more and more noteworthy the stronger I become. And I have not yet chosen an ambition (mostly because I heard that you can’t change to a different ambition after you choose your first one between the 4 you can choose from).
I have over 20 points on all 4 of my stats and have been mixing my activities over many different locations with different skill checks and storylines (doing this I get kinda lost sometimes with my progress lol).

Knowing all of that, and even with my limited knowledge of the world I’d like to be assured that I’m setting myself on the right track to anything related to these either cases :

[ul][li]Getting to the surface[/li][li]Finding anything related to the sun[/li][li]Helping and cooperating with struggling people in need of aid ( Kind of like upholding the virtues of chivalry I just realized )
[/li][li]To do whatever it takes to be with, or in his own words to have his sun, or another sun if a different one exists[/li][li]The sun the sun, the sunlight, the essence of burning glowing stars, anything that produces a bright warm light[/li][li]&quotThe sun.&quot Is he secretly a moth? No, but I suppose his brain is quite like one. ( he sure is crazy for the sun though that’s for sure )
Here’s Mr. Guv Mucko speaking, quite the plea he’d like to share to you :

     &quotI want a sun, I want a sun that will bask me under a warm light of solar energy, to fill the cold void in my heart. Oh so jealous I am, to have remembered such a great glow, I want a sun like that too, to let myself be embraced. To let her know how much I've missed her shining presence. I will also help others... good friends, to find their own sun. I mean, their own... wish... which doesn't have to be the sun necessarily. But so it is, my wish is a sun, [i]My sun, my very own sun, please take me[/i]. This I will repeat, even as I swelter and burn from the licking of flame that shall trace across my boiling, burning soul. I will not stop, not now and not ever. I will not stop until. [b]I[/b].[b] Find[/b].[b] Her[/b]...&quot

TL;DR - All I want is the sun. That so much to ask for?

Thank you for reading and good night! I can’t want to read your comments relating to my very specific matter!

edited by Mr. Guv Mucko on 5/6/2021

I’m not the most lore-versed player, by any means, but here’s some basic advice:

  • Don’t die.
    (you’ll recover, in the Neath, but sunlight will irrevocably become instantly lethal to you)

  • Don’t throw your lot in with Revolutionaries.
    (whether they know it or not, the Empress and the Masters are not the only figures of authority they oppose)

  • Don’t sell/lose your soul.
    (one day, you might attain greater intimacy with the Sun that anyone can dream of; but not if you’re soulless)

  • Dream, passionately.
    (there’s sunlight to be enjoyed in your dreams. Prisoner’s Honey is a good way to enhance, and sometimes direct, your dreams. Not all the Sunlight there will be the kind you remember, but that may itself be a blessing.)

  • Consider the Sunlight trade.
    (it’s illegal and very dangerous; but as long as it’s uncut - you’ll be handling the genuine article)

  • Travel extensively.
    (there are places across the Unterzee you’ll surely appreciate. Aside from the way back Up - at least one has legit Sunlight; at least three others have very decent approximations.)

  • Get to know the Bazaar. You have much in common.

  • When a cute little girl offers to sell you something - buy it!
    (cheers! You can thank me after.)

Yes, it is. Or else it wouldn’t be worth pursuing.
edited by Masseurse on 5/6/2021

[quote=Fing A. Prince]* Travel extensively.
(there are places across the Unterzee you’ll surely appreciate. Aside from the way back Up - at least one has legit Sunlight; at least three others have very decent approximations.)[/quote]

The place you’re talking about is visitable in Sunless Sea, another game set in this universe, but not in Fallen London.

Even if you don’t actually die, spending any significant time in the Neath will contravene the Laws above. The light will burn.

[quote=Fing A. Prince]I’m not the most lore-versed player, by any means, but here’s some basic advice:

  • Don’t die.
    (you’ll recover, in the Neath, but sunlight will irrevocably become instantly lethal to you)

  • Don’t throw your lot in with Revolutionaries.
    (whether they know it or not, the Empress and the Masters are not the only figures of authority they oppose)

  • Don’t sell/lose your soul.
    (one day, you might attain greater intimacy with the Sun that anyone can dream of; but not if you’re soulless)

  • Dream, passionately.
    (there’s sunlight to be enjoyed in your dreams. Prisoner’s Honey is a good way to enhance, and sometimes direct, your dreams. Not all the Sunlight there will be the kind you remember, but that may itself be a blessing.)

  • Consider the Sunlight trade.
    (it’s illegal and very dangerous; but as long as it’s uncut - you’ll be handling the genuine article)

  • Travel extensively.
    (there are places across the Unterzee you’ll surely appreciate. Aside from the way back Up - at least one has legit Sunlight; at least three others have very decent approximations.)

  • Get to know the Bazaar. You have much in common.

  • When a cute little girl offers to sell you something - buy it!
    (cheers! You can thank me after.)

Yes, it is. Or else it wouldn’t be worth pursuing.
edited by Masseurse on 5/6/2021[/quote]

Hello, friend!

I love your answer! I must thank you for the time you have taken to use your Fallen London knowledge to help me organize my thoughts to my crazy role-played goal!

Though I do have a little question; it sort of relates to the 4 ambitions… which one should I ultimately choose in the end?
They all seem interesting, except that Nemesis doesn’t exactly fit his goal and personality (he’s not one for spending his life in hate and vengefulness).

The Bag a legend! and Heart’s Desire! seem to be the most interesting for me, I was thinking of doing Heart’s Desire for getting a wish (if the wish isn’t a farce) so that he can maybe fulfill his wish to go to the surface and hopefully not instantly die from the sheer sunlight

(Maybe a wish that would allow Mucko to survive from the sun by going back in time and going into the surface before he exposes himself too much in the laws of the Neath… Or maybe a way to wish for the sun to love him, which might be too specific to be an actual option but I’m just brainstorming possibilities and imagining myself as Mucko if he had a powerful wish like that.).

But I worry on the implications of gambling for my soul. As you said I wouldn’t have greater intimacy with the sun if I were a soulless husk. Would it be possible to get my soul back if i happen to lose it in a gamble?

Bag of Legends also sounds cool because I like the idea of being a badass monster hunter, but it seems that the incentive of this ambition lies more on the amount of money you’ll gain from your grand success.

Though perhaps with four million echoes you can do a lot of things, maybe after a long time of preperation and fighting I’d end up not only being incredibly rich, but also a very strong and ferocious bounty hunter as well.

Allowing an opportunity to use these riches to make a secretive illegal company or something that will be dedicated to digging out a hole in the ceiling before finally reaching the surface where the sun lies overhead. In the process of that, possibly killing many of Neath’s denizens from the downpour of pure sunlight. Making himself into an accidental villain he did not wish to become, not realizing that the goal for bringing sunlight would backfire and permanently wipe out his friends.

Effectively he’d become incredibly guilty by the fact that he just murdered some bunches of londoners in his desperate pursuit for a sun, wheras thinking that the sun would solve all problems, since he only wanted the many people to be happy again.
( Again, too specific… But it would make for a cool little alternative story xd )

Also, unless getting a massive diamond can help me get to the surface, I don’t see Light Fingers! as being a good choice for my run. It sounds like a cool story about heists and mission impossible stuff though.
You also mentioned a place across the Unterzee that has at least one place with actual sunlight. But where can I find it on the map in Fallen London exactly? Is it locked at my level for now?

Anyway, thank you very much! And I hope you’re all having a good day :)

edited by Mr. Guv Mucko on 5/7/2021

[quote=Mr. Guv Mucko]Though I do have a little question; it sort of relates to the 4 ambitions… which one should I ultimately choose in the end?
I’m yet to complete an Ambition, so the following is mostly conjecture. I’d go with Heart’s Desire, for essentially the same reasons as you suggested.

Surprisingly easy, from what i gather. My warning was rather against parting with your soul permanently (there’s no shortage of propaganda in circulation, in support of the soulless lifestyle.) There’s a certain… pair of individuals, whom you’ll encounter many times, who seem quite capable of fetching a fella’s soul back, as almost an afterthought.

[quote=Mr. Guv Mucko]
to make a secretive illegal company or something that will be dedicated to digging out a hole in the ceiling before finally reaching the surface where the sun lies overhead. In the process of that, possibly killing many of Neath’s denizens from the downpour of pure sunlight. Making himself into an accidental villain he did not wish to become, not realizing that the goal for bringing sunlight would backfire and permanently wipe out his friends.

Effectively he’d become incredibly guilty by the fact that he just murdered some bunches of londoners in his desperate pursuit for a sun, wheras thinking that the sun would solve all problems, since he only wanted the many people to be happy again.[/quote]

I love this idea. Here are the makings of an epic tragedy. The only problem is that the dangers of Sunlight are, at least in the broadest strokes, well known to every Londoner. I can’t imagine you’d be able to accomplish such a tremendous, long-term undertaking, while remaining unaware of the probable consequences. You could hire a non-human workforce, that has less to fear. Still, unless Mr. Mucko is (or becomes in the future) severely deluded - this doesn’t seem feasible within the lore.

As PJ corrected me, on the &quotlegit sunlight&quot point, turns out that one is only available in a separate game.
I think the three approximations still stand, though.
I strongly suspect you’ll be pleased with one of them, based on the way you speak of the Sun. I’ve an inkling you’ll be pleased with the second of them, based on a minor… verbal tic i noticed in your post. I have no particular reason to expect you’ll like the third of them, but you should still consider yourself lucky to encounter it, Taamas. >_>

Incidentally, if you’ve just recently started playing - all locations outside of London are locked to you for now. Zailing the zee is and advanzed buizinezz.

There is also the tricky matter of what exactly counts as sunlight. Earth orbits around what we call &quotThe Sun&quot, but there are other suns out there. Is light from a different sun much the same as the, ugh, locally sourced product?
edited by Masseurse on 5/7/2021

Looking at your priorities, Hearts Desire might bring you closest to your dreams. But in a certain sense even Light Fingers might offer some relieve…

[quote=Mr. Guv Mucko]

Knowing all of that, and even with my limited knowledge of the world I’d like to be assured that I’m setting myself on the right track to anything related to these either cases :

[ul][li]Getting to the surface[/li][li]Finding anything related to the sun[/li][li]Helping and cooperating with struggling people in need of aid ( Kind of like upholding the virtues of chivalry I just realized )
[/li][li]To do whatever it takes to be with, or in his own words to have his sun, or another sun if a different one exists[/li][li]The sun the sun, the sunlight, the essence of burning glowing stars, anything that produces a bright warm light[/li][li]&quotThe sun.&quot Is he secretly a moth? No, but I suppose his brain is quite like one. ( he sure is crazy for the sun though that’s for sure )[/li][/ul][/quote]

From the lore point, IIRC Stone’s radiation and Cider’s effects are not illegal - as in, vitality imbued by them cancels Neathy corruption and persists under the sunlight. Although overdosing it will **** off signatories of Amaranthine edict and may get you thrown into a Well.

Regarding ambitions.

The wish at the end of Heart’s Desire is not a farce, but the choices of what that wish can be are, by the nature of the game, kind of limited. There is one option for the wish that is close to what you want, in that it would allow you to see the surface, but it will not allow you to see the Sun, seeing how direct sunlight will kill any True Denizen of the Neath.

On the other hand, if you are fine with the light of something that is similar to the sun (if not quite the actual sun, a half-sun, if you will), then Light Fingers has an ending for you.

Now, if you’re willing to spend money in the game for fate, there are a few purchasable stories that should be right up your alley. Particularly, Cut With Moonlight is a story about the illegal business of sunlight-smuggling, and The Icarian Cup deals with the Dawn Machine, which is not The Sun, but it is THE SUN THE SUN THE SUN THE SUN TH

ahem, sorry. Lastly, there is a lot of Sun-related content in Sunless Sea, one of FL’s sister games. You can learn a lot more about the aforementioned Dawn Machine, and also you can even engage in sunlight-smuggling yourself.

What an interesting and fitting obsession!

I think you’ll be delighted to know that once you start delving into the deeper layers of lore, much of it in fact resolves around the Sun in one way or another. That’s true both here in FL and the other games set in-universe, and you might probably want to try Sunless Skies if you’re into Neathy astral lore specifically. Though you’ll likely enjoy it more once you get a little deeper into FL lore first.

As for the London activities, I have endeavoured to assemble a little &quotsun-seeking guide,&quot although far from comprehensive.

Firstly, know that what you’re striving for amounts to possibly the most long-term goal available. One way or another, you will likely want to obtain the hallowed Hesperidean Cider, the single most expensive item in the game. It is one of the few things which can allow you to re-enter sunlight after a prolonged stay in the Neath, and even after an encounter with the Boatman himself!
(I will try to offer you a sip of the thing, so that you have a taste of what to expect.)

Another thing that you might want to consider is aiming to join the Masters themselves. There are a couple ways that may lead in this direction, with one being locked behind a payment of Fate - obtaining The Road destiny, once you get to the point where you are able to choose a destiny (happens during some seasonal events, i.e. Fruits of the Zee festival, Hallowmas and Sackmas). You are looking for A Chilly Future, which leads to a Conversation on the Road card. To obtain your freedom there, you need to take the &quotDepart&quot option, costing 10 Fate. In fact, the general tone of the Conversation on the Road future is perfect for your character, regardless of the option you take.
For not getting lost in the whole Destiny business, I recommend the following guide:

Other thing I daresay is optimal for you is taking the Heart’s Desire Ambition. Finishing that one will also present you with options that will bring you at least somewhat closer to your goal. One of the options also offers you an opportunity to one day take up a Master’s robe. As for how that may help you approach the sun - seek out the lore of Bazaar and the Masters. The Chilly Future is in fact quite a solid exposition of the relevant lore. And yes, you will probably get along famously with the Bazaar.

Another long-term goal that has been mentioned is reaching Parabola; one day, you will be able to establish your own Parabolan Base Camp. There, you will find so solid an approximation of the Sun as the realm of Is-Not allows. Plus, the Fingerkings may be able to offer you interesting deals, even though many abhor dealing with the Dream-Serpents.

Lastly, another ill-advised and ill-received Sun-related vein for investigating regards the Admirality and their quest to construct something called the Dawn Machine. You may find some hints and even pieces of the Machine in the form of Elements of Dawn, which are now available during the Hallowmas. For pursuing this fully, you would need to play the Sunless Sea, though.

Others have also provided some warnings, with which I mostly agree. If you ever die, obtaining the Cider will be your one and only option for ever seeing the Sun again.
As for the Revolutionaries, things are not as black-and-white as some will have you believe. We are quite a heterogeneous, fractious group, and far from all of us in fact want the Liberation to actually occur. You will likely find August, perhaps March and most definitely June to be the most agreeable of the Calendar Council.

On the other hand: beware the Devils and Hell at all costs. Not only will they rob you of your soul, necessary for dealing with the Sun; they are also consummate betrayers and deserters, who left the service of a Sun and are hiding in the shadow of the Neath from his righteous wrath and judgment. Whoever deals with them is bound to be tricked and swindled - they even crossed the Fingerkings themselves.
Should you wish to take more active part in fighting these sun-defiers, you might want to get acquainted with the Bishop of Southwark. You will meet him one day deeper in the Labyrinth of Tigers.

And lastly, some of the Exceptional Stories also contain useful solar lore or interesting tidbits, though they are quite expensive to buy retrospectively. You can find comprehensive lists of Exceptional Stories and other Fate-locked content here:

For your personal affection, I would recommend these ES, in roughly this order:

Cut with Moonlight
Our Lady of Pyres
Lost in Reflections
The Attendants

And HOJOTOHO!, while not sun-related at all, fits right into your &quotrighteous protector&quot angle. And it’s one of the best ES written, also possibly coming with a slight but nice long-term bonus.

Homecoming and the Icarian Cup may also be of interest - I have yet to play these, though, so I can’t say.

And lastly, you will probably find studying the Correspondence useful somewhere down the line. And generally learn a lot about FL cosmology, particularly the Judgments.

That’s all that comes to me now.

Hope you find something useful in there. Don’t stress yourself with trying to progress too fast. It will take time, but you will gradually get closer. And the game really is worth it. I’ve been here for six and a half years now, and never once lost interest.
edited by Sir Reginald Monteroy on 5/7/2021