Mutually Exclusive Items?

A recent discussion in the ‘Unusual Goals’ thread made me wonder about this, and I didn’t want to derail it, so…

Basically, I have a vague, long-term ambition of ‘collecting one of everything’ in the game. A cursory glance, however, makes it clear that I’ll have to attach a footnote to that idea… namely, ‘Except mutually exclusive items’. There are some things, after all, that you can only obtain by giving up on something else. But I wonder… how many are there, really?

Here’s what I can think of, off hand:

The Exclusive Pets: Salt-Weasel, Rubbery Euphonium and Haunted-Looking Dog are mutually exclusive, for no apparent reason. You can only have one of them, at any one time.
The Ambitions: You can only have one Ambition, so any item specifically associated with those ambitions are - by definition - mutually exclusive. Of course, most of them are unsellable and unuseable anyway - what might have been termed ‘Key Items’ in another sort of game…
The Occupations: Each occupation grants you an item of some sort, and you lose the item if you change occupations. So you can only have one out of that dozen-odd items at any one time.
The Seekers of the Nadir: At the end of the Irrigo Cave quest, you have to choose between the Revolutionary Firebrand and the Secular Missionary - gaining one of them as a companion, and losing the other. You can send them both packing, but you can’t KEEP both. By extension, their ‘evolved’ forms - available during the Feast of the Exceptional Rose - are also exclusive.
The Patron’s Gift: You select a Patron near the start of the game, and receive one of four gifts for your troubles: The Brass Knuckles, the Unobtrusive Bowler, the Mint Humbugs or the Mirror-Polish Shoes. You can only have one of them at a time.
The Soul-Trader’s Bounty: The Fate-Locked ‘A Trade in Souls’ storyline grants you a Spirifer’s Fork or a Shepherd’s Timepiece, depending on which side you choose. Only one can be owned at a time.
The Tales or the Stone: The ‘A Disgraceful Spectacle’ opportunity-card (Rare, it seems) lets you collect either a Blue and Shining Stone, or a Headful of Picaresque Tales… and as long as you have one or the other, the card will not reappear.

Those are just the ones I know of, though, and I’m not yet far into the game. Just so I know how many exceptions there might be to the ideal of ‘collecting everything’ - can any of you think of any other such exclusive items?

Well, additionally,there are the connection pets, as you can only have one of those. A number of fate stories have unique items which you can only have one of.

As a fellow hoarder, with the same instinct to collect everything (I seriously have over 22 rows of curiosities)there are a couple items you can accidentally miss (Rattus-Faber Rifle and Exquisite Toy) and lock yourself out of. There’s also a dozen or so items which can’t be obtained anymore, if you didn’t get them when they were available, you’ll never get them.

[quote=deadcrystal]Well, additionally,there are the connection pets, as you can only have one of those. A number of fate stories have unique items which you can only have one of.

As a fellow hoarder, with the same instinct to collect everything (I seriously have over 22 rows of curiosities)there are a couple items you can accidentally miss (Rattus-Faber Rifle and Exquisite Toy) and lock yourself out of. There’s also a dozen or so items which can’t be obtained anymore, if you didn’t get them when they were available, you’ll never get them.[/quote]
the rifle is actually available from 3 storylets, so you might not have locked yourself out yet, deadcrystal (If you’ve finished plaster face, sided with the docker’s union [if you side with the masters, there’ll be an option later, in the velocipede squad, that gives two], and fought off the horde of rats, then you have- sorry to have metioned it.)
another one of those items is the disgraced bandit cheif. as far as i am aware, you can only get it from the rats in your house storyline.

Ah, I fear I’ve missed the Exquisite Toy… though perhaps, when they finally get around to making it actually DO something, new possibilities will surface!

I do, however, have the Disgraced Rattus Faber Bandit Chief. And since I sided with the Masters at the Docks, I suppose I’d best keep an eye out for that option later on, when I join the Velocipede Squad!

EDIT: Actually, on closer examination of my inventory, I DO have the Exquisite Toy! Guess I’m still on track… but that makes me wonder if there’s other such ‘missable’ items.
edited by BlakeTheDrake on 4/3/2015

A Stiff-Backed Young Lady is mutually exclusive with A Gentleman of Undisclosed Business (depends on if you’ve picked the Last Constable or the Cheery Man).

Also, I don’t know if you’re including the extended inventory in your goals, but obviously some things there are mutually exclusive (i.e. you can only have one type of ship, only one club, etc.).

Ah a noble goal. For seeking purposes I’ve been targeting 7 of everything that is possible to get 7 of because 7s. It’s a really really long term goal- I’ve been at it for years ahaha. But it feels really good to tick one more item off my collection list. Like I’be been at 6 tournament of lilies rossettes for months now, but when I finally get that seventh it’s going to be a party up in here. I’ll be just that much closer and feel like I’m almost there.

Good luck to you. Enjoy the trickier pursuits like a waxwails, rosettes, and rubbery conspirators ;-)

On topic, I believe the rubbery conspirator to be mutually exclusive of the rubbery accomplice. One is the higher version of the other and I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone being awarded both at the same time.
edited by NiteBrite on 4/3/2015

Well, there’s a couple of ‘upgraded companions’ available at the Feast of the Rose, but I don’t really ‘count’ those… well, I’m definitely going to GET them, but I feel no particular need to have a copy of their ‘lesser’ version at the same time. It’s like… I’ve still got them, they’re just BETTER now. Right?

Most of these can be obtained by fate locked options such as getting exclusive ambition items, the other benefactor items, etc.
Perhaps there are some that are completely exclusive I’m forgetting but I’m sure there aren’t any…

Forever Changed by the Nadir
Imprisoned by Nightmares

First I’ve heard of those. Where can you get them, pray tell?

They are rewards granted to players by the FBG team for bug reporting and other assistance above and beyond the call of duty.

[quote=Turtwigii]Most of these can be obtained by fate locked options such as getting exclusive ambition items, the other benefactor items, etc.
Perhaps there are some that are completely exclusive I’m forgetting but I’m sure there aren’t any…

Nope - while you can reset a lot of stories with Fate, and take different options in doing so, you WILL lose whatever exclusive item you picked up the first time. So if you pick a different patron (with fate), you lose the item granted to you by the first patron. If you reset a Trade in Souls, you lose the Spirifer’s Fork or the Sheperd’s Timepiece, whichever you took the first time around…