Multiple Stone Tentacle Keys?

If I give up my Stone tentacle key, i.e. [color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]to the Manager of the Hotel for the Desire Ambition[/color], can I get another one from the [color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]well on hunter’s keep[/color]? If not, how about in exchange from [color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]the duchess[/color]?

I just made a lengthy zee voyage, and established that the answer is yes.

Is there an alternate use for the key for those who don’t share that particular ambition?

I’ve been using mine as a doorstop for ages.

[quote=Blast_Fantastic]Is there an alternate use for the key for those who don’t share that particular ambition?

I’ve been using mine as a doorstop for ages.[/quote]
Beyond turning the well into a lucrative glim source on future rounds at Hunter’s Keep, I’m not sure

Possible spoilers on the tentacle key (highlight to read):

[color=white]It has been said that all Ambitions will require the Stone Tentacle Key.


Presumably some of the ambitions just have not reached that point yet, with the current content barrier.[/color]
edited by Kaanyia on 4/30/2012

[quote=Kaanyia]Possible spoilers on the tentacle key (highlight to read):

[color=white]It has been said that all Ambitions will require the Stone Tentacle Key.


Presumably some of the ambitions just have not reached that point yet, with the current content barrier.[/color]
edited by Kaanyia on 4/30/2012[/quote]

I can say regarding Nemesis that [color=#ffffff]while it’s not required up to the content boundary thus far, it’s strongly hinted that you’ll need it in the future. The last storylet has the Dreaming Scholar advise you to go look for it.[/color]

And of course, at Hunter’s Keep the sisters hint about “ambition.”