Mr ________, I Presume?

It’s a running theme through Fallen London that Neathy citizens tend to dispense with their names and take new identities. It’s also a running theme that many of the major, recurring characters in Fallen London are inspired by individuals from real history! It’s a favourite hobby of mine to try and figure out their identities, and so I thought I would present some of my ideas (and reasoning) behind them. To preserve the delicacy of the matter I shall encase it in a spoiler.

The Traitor Empress and The Prince-Consort
This particular woman needs no introduction and I can’t even call this one a ‘theory’. She is Queen Victoria, namesake of the Victorian Era. Her husband, the man for whom London was sold, is Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg, who in the real world, died in 1861, the cause still a debated issue.

The Captivating Princess
The game states that this mysterious and frankly terrifying woman was born in the year of the Fall. I can’t, offhand, remember the actual year of the Fall, but it’s clearly before 1861! Now, we can assume she is one of Victoria and Albert’s children (being a Princess), and that narrows the field of candidates somewhat. In fact, the only one born near the date of 1861 is Princess Beatrice, who was born in 1857. I would thus propose she is either Princess Beatrice or an entirely fictional construct, but it is difficult to tell. Her personality, such as it is shown, is nothing like what we know of Princess Beatrice’s own, at the very least, but this could just be due to the wildly different circumstances in their respective lives.

Dr. Schlomo, the Neathy Wizard
The identity of this particular character is more of an open secret by this point. He is clearly inspired by Dr. Sigmund Freud, considered a father of modern psychology, even if all his theories have been disproved by this point.

M. Pleat
I was curious about the identity of M. Pleat, and so I delved into a little Wikipedia searching about the history of hypnotism, specifically the origin of the word ‘mesmerism’. It is derived from one Franz Mesmer, a slightly crackpot gentleman who proposed a theory of human health that relied on a magnetic ‘fluid’-like field of energy. However, he cannot be M. Pleat, for he died in 1815, long before the Fall. The next name to come to my attention was that of the surgeon James Braid, who studied Mesmer’s works and found some merit amidst the madness. It is he, in fact, who developed the form of stage hypnosis we are familiar with today. We still run into issues with the dates, however! In real life, he died in 1860 at the age of 64, which would make him currently in his mid-nineties if he is indeed M. Pleat. The third name on the list, and the one I believe most likely to be the actual candidate (if not the only candidate), is Pierre Janet, a French psychologist who greatly influenced Freud and Carl Jung, among others. His appearance, too, matches the portrait of M. Pleat, which for me is evidence enough!

February, of the Calendar Council
My thoughts wandered today to the identity of members of the Calendar Council, and the fact that the only two members I recall meeting in my journeys through Fallen London are February and December. December is a complete enigma, I imagine deliberately so. We are not even sure of his or her gender and/or state of rubberiness. February, on the other hand, is perhaps a little clearer. My mind turned immediately to Emmeline Pankhurst, the famed suffragette. As with M. Pleat, her portrait and appearance do coincide enough that one could be said to have inspired the other, and she remains one of the few notable female &quotrevolutionary&quot figures of the Victorian Era.

These are the names that spring immediately to mind at the slightly sleep-addled time of my composing this post. I’ll return some other day with further names! Feel free to discuss and post your own ideas and theories on individuals below.[li]

John Huffam
Its rather obvious at this point that our esteemed Mr John Huffam is none other than Charles Dickens! Because, erm, those are his middle names and the character portrait is clearly resembled in regards to his likeness. And it wouldn’t be unlikely of him to be an editor of a magazine/newspaper publication since he’ been the editor of the Daily News, Bentley’s Miscellany, and other establishments all throughout his life.

Consideration: In-Game Portrait and Real Life picture.

Sardonic Music-Hall Singer
My first thought was, of course, to check through Victorian music-hall singers who were moderately famous/infamous at the time. I didn’t get a hit with those and it was through only watching The Trouble With Harry (against my will) that I realised she was actually Shirley MacLaine after a quick skimming of Google and asking my lola about her. She has eclectic connections like our Singer, thanks to her strong interests spiritualism and metaphysics and the fact she was the leading lady in a lot of popular films. She was famous for her frank and cutting attitude, not willing to take anyone’s ‘bs’ as lola put it.

Consideration: In-Game Portrait and Real Life picture. (It makes me wonder why they put a mole on her but then I think it might have to do with the fact she’s still, um, alive and all.)

Rubbery Men
Clearly related to Cthulhu.

Consideration: In-Game Portrait and Real Life picture.

I also have a suspicion or two in regards to some characters in the game: the Cheery Man, the Repentant Forger, and the Veteran Privy Counsellor with a love for ballet. The Captivating Princess – I’m sure at this point she’s a fictional character in the game, born after Princess Beatrice since its been mentioned in past storylets that there were more ‘young children’ in the Nursery and we can all agree that there is something seriously wrong with the. (Since some apparently don’t have the correct number of ‘eyes’, are pale and sickly like their father(?), and are kept in the cellars…)

London fell in early 1862. No idea what that says for the Captivating Princess’s identity - I’ve done my own research, and seen others’, but nothing definitive so far.

One minor tidbit that we’ve had revealed to us is that the Ginger-Haired Painter who appears in Light Fingers is Pre-Raphaelite painter William Holman Hunt. I’m wondering if he might not make another appearance come Sunless Sea, because of Hunt’s professional connections with Augustus Egg, who, as well as inspiring the naming of my present Petpanion, was a member of The Clique, which I suspect will be related in some way to The Set (based - a trifle flimsily I admit - on the proximity of the Pirate Poet and the Dadd Wing of the Museum of Mistakes in the Kickstarter materials.)

Speaking of, though - the design of The Irrepressible includes a quotation from Through The Looking Glass - which, given that the Alice books were published in 1865 and 1871, suggests that Carroll continued his work even after the Fall… one way or another.

Benjamin Villein
I’d like to propose Sir Spencer Ponsonby-Fane for this role. During the second half of the 19th century he was the Comptroller of the Lord Chamberlain’s Office, the Government body tasked with authorising and censoring plays from 1737 until 1968. He was also an employee of the Foreign office, which would connect Villeins presumed idenity as the Face-Tailor. Although in 1892 Fane would have been in his late sixties, whereas Villeins doesn’t appear to be that old.

edited by Martial Canterel on 3/30/2014

The Bishop of Southwark

I would say that the Bishop is quite possibly this man; Huyshe Yeatman-Biggs, the actual Bishop of Southwark in the time period of the game. His photograph bears a striking resemblance to our most beloved ecclesiastical figure. His brother also happened to be a General, honoured by Her Imperial Majesty with the Order of the Bath.
edited by Armand D’Alterac on 4/21/2014

For my theory as to the identity of The Captivating Princess, and a bit about the precise date of The Fall, look here.

While he isn’t exactly a character, I’m confident this event on Corpsecage Island details the fate of Karl Marx. &quotComplex stuff about class and capital&quot is as succinct a summary of Marx’s work as I’ve heard, he had been living in London since 1848 (well before the Fall), and in a London where revolutionaries are a major force, Marx’s absence in London’s political life seems odd – unless him and his writing were buried long ago on an out-of-the-way island.
edited by upthrust on 4/26/2014

Madame Petrovsky
The woman whose book The Secret Dogma is causing a craze for Theosophistry in Fallen London is rather likely based on Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a spiritualist and occultist who founded the Theosophical Society and wrote a book about the origin of the universe and humanity called The Secret Doctrine.

[quote=upthrust]While he isn’t exactly a character, I’m confident this event on Corpsecage Island details the fate of Karl Marx. &quotComplex stuff about class and capital&quot is as succinct a summary of Marx’s work as I’ve heard, he had been living in London since 1848 (well before the Fall), and in a London where revolutionaries are a major force, Marx’s absence in London’s political life seems odd – unless him and his writing were buried long ago on an out-of-the-way island.


This one is quite fascinating, and adds a touch of realism. I can quite imagine such a fellow instigating the Revolutionaries and falling fowl of the Masters as a result…


Any clue on the Northbound Parliamentary? She feels like someone based on a specific individual, but history is far from being my strongest point.

I think the Northbound Parliamentarian was created for a backer of Silver Tree.

[color=009900]This is correct.[/color]

[color=009900]This is correct.[/color][/quote]

Holy crap, really? She may be my favorite character in the entire game.

That’s some reward, there!

I wonder if her popularity is why she wasn’t retired or dropped way down in frequency; looking at the wiki, it seems like there were six characters created as backer rewards, and I haven’t seen four of them [*] for a very long time–they don’t even have frequencies listed on the wiki–while the Paronomastic Newshound has dropped down to “unusual” frequency.

[*] The Reclusive Turolophile, The Libertarian Esotericist, The Cat-Beset Perfectionist, The Bawdy Cardsharp.

[quote=an_ocelot]I wonder if her popularity is why she wasn’t retired or dropped way down in frequency; looking at the wiki, it seems like there were six characters created as backer rewards, and I haven’t seen four of them [*] for a very long time–they don’t even have frequencies listed on the wiki–while the Paronomastic Newshound has dropped down to &quotunusual&quot frequency.

[*] The Reclusive Turolophile, The Libertarian Esotericist, The Cat-Beset Perfectionist, The Bawdy Cardsharp.[/quote]

Yeah, that is kindof weird. I miss those characters!

[quote=an_ocelot]I wonder if her popularity is why she wasn’t retired or dropped way down in frequency; looking at the wiki, it seems like there were six characters created as backer rewards, and I haven’t seen four of them [*] for a very long time–they don’t even have frequencies listed on the wiki–while the Paronomastic Newshound has dropped down to &quotunusual&quot frequency.

[*] The Reclusive Turolophile, The Libertarian Esotericist, The Cat-Beset Perfectionist, The Bawdy Cardsharp.[/quote]
It’s a pity as those were wonderful characters! Instead of having only the Northbound Parliamentarian popping up all the time, I’d prefer seeing each of the six now and again…
edited by Rupho Schartenhauer on 7/29/2014

I’m quietly hoping that they’ve been set aside for some future story involving the mysteries of the Third City - but I wouldn’t complain at all if they reappeared. Surely they could be given the same multiple-choice treatment as the Forger, the Singer, the Soldier and the Functionary, for instance?

Ah, that explains the oddness around the Northbound Parliamentarian and the Paronomastic Newshound…

Well I hope they do come back, there were some interesting snippets on those cards. I wonder if when the Dilmun Club storyline is continued they might make a re-appearance.

Also if I had been one of the six who backed at a level to be a part of Fallen London it would be quite annoying for the cards to be permanently retired.

Yep, I’m rather confident those 4 cards are currently retired, they just haven’t been branded as such on the wiki yet. It would be nice to have them, assuming some of the rewards also got buffed… The newshound is good, though =)