Mourning Candles: I need lots of them.

No prizes for guessing what I want them for. I doubt I’ll make a habit of doing this, but I want to at least try it once, just to see. It’s worth it for the flavour.

So, where can I get Mourning Candles by the hundred? I need 530 more (I have 9 already). A repeatable action that yields even just 1 would be marvelous. Failing that, lesser Luminosity items will suffice. I just don’t want to resort to buying my way there, from Beeswax to Beetles to Memories. Buying the required wax to convert would cost me 2,430 Echoes, if I’ve done my math correctly.

I really don’t want to miss the text for this action. I’ve already lost my chance to see the one for the Scholar of the Correspondence; I’m not missing another one, if I can help it.

Any help would be appreciated.

EDIT: It occurs to me that 539 Mourning Candles Could be sold for 1,347.50 Echoes. So if I’m serious about this, I’m throwing away that much money for this.

I stand by what I’ve said. It’s worth it.
edited by asinineFlatfoot on 7/25/2018

Affair of the box carousel is your best bet. You get 8 every loop.

If you have Renown: Tomb-colonists 4, then there’s a card you can draw if you are in disgraced exile in the tomb-colonies called “Unorthodox Technologies” that gives you one candle if you accept the gift. If you’re involved in the soul trade, you can get them as a gift from the Capering Relicker at Someone Is Coming 4. A Glassman will get 3 per week in their payment. Unfortunately, the best way to get Mourning Candles was to trade in your Reputation during the election, which is what I did. Probably your best bet is to gun for Memories of Light. You get 30 for using the Implacable Detective’s business card to look for the Deranged Medium. DREAM OF SPOTTED SHADOWS in the Honey-dens of Veilgarden only gives one, but you can do it over and over pretty easily, although the honey costs get a bit high after a while. You can also trade 50 Compromising Documents for 51 Memories of Light, so if you have extras of those lying around, it’s worth a go. The wiki is a pretty good resource for this kind of thing, so feel free to have a look.

I did look, briefly. But the list was massive, and I don’t want to go spoiling every action on the road to my search. It felt safer (and more expedient) to see if anyone else had some advice.

Thank you both for your suggestions. If anyone else has any, feel free to let me know.

EDIT: Did a little more math. Supposedly, the circuit that nets 8 Mourning Candles takes 14 actions to complete, provided there are no missteps. This equates to something like 0.5 Candles per action. That means, an action that nets 2.5 Memories of Light, ~13 Beetles, or ~ 100 Lamplight Beeswax, is an equally efficient strategy. (I may need someone to look over my math. This is not my forte by any means.)
edited by asinineFlatfoot on 7/25/2018

Keep in mind that grinding lower-tier items would require Revolutionary Favours to upconvert them. Also, with the correct choices, the AotB carousel nets you six Correspondence Plaques on top of the candles.

Uh… hmm… yes, that’s correct… At a rate of 50 for 10, that means I would need… 265 favours. Oh dear… I have a few favours, but not quite that many… I don’t know that anyone in all the world has that many. (EDIT: Only 53 favours for 530 Candles. So that’s potentially doable, maybe.)

But I’m not so interested in the Plaques, really. They are valuable, but by the time this carousel is open for me to play with, they’ll be drops in the bucket.
edited by asinineFlatfoot on 7/26/2018

[quote=asinineFlatfoot]I really don’t want to miss the text for this action. I’ve already lost my chance to see the one for the Scholar of the Correspondence; I’m not missing another one, if I can help it.[/quote]This isn’t a suggestion, per se, and it’s unrelated to Mourning Candles, but you haven’t technically lost your chance to see the one for perverting your studies in-game. You can always end your search for the Name, reach Scholar of the Correspondence 9, then use Marsh-Mired for the next two weeks, and then only sacrifice 462 Mourning Candles to light fires around the city.

It would mean sacrificing 4(?) weeks of progress already, though, and it will definitely delay your search by more than that to reach the appropriate SotC level and gather the Mourning Candles. This is an adventure of masochism, though, so it’s worth mentioning.

Also one of the ways, if you’re really looking for as many possible source for them, is the Capering Relicker who will gift you some if you have the A Trade in Souls completed! 4 per visit! It is slow, but hey…it’s still something in the long run, delicious friend!

You could use the Correspondence plaques, once you have fifty of them, to side convert to Memories of Light and upconvert from there, to help supplement your grind.

Will that work? Will I be able to return to my search if I use A Bad End to &quotgive it up&quot temporarily? This is very important. My entire reason for being in the Neath at all is this search. I’ll not give it up permanently, for any reason.

Giving up the search does remove all current progress, but last I heard it doesn’t prevent you from starting again. It only prevents starting via someone betraying you.

Also, always glad to see a fellow explorer of unoptimal choices. Your dedication to going above and beyond the required sacrifices is admirable. I wonder what path you’ll choose for Cerise…

[quote=Optimatum]Giving up the search does remove all current progress, but last I heard it doesn’t prevent you from starting again. It only prevents starting via someone betraying you.

Also, always glad to see a fellow explorer of unoptimal choices. Your dedication to going above and beyond the required sacrifices is admirable. I wonder what path you’ll choose for Cerise…[/quote]
I came to the Neath when I was told there was a quest that would cost me everything. That reality itself would beg me not to continue. How could I resist something so fantastic? Even if I must sacrifice my very life. My soul. Everything.

I will begin again. A step missed is no good. I only get one chance at this.

EDIT: Is there a way to remove this Weeping Scar? It didn’t go away when I used A Bad End, and I know that having it stops that card at 7 Seeking from showing up. I was hoping to explore the other option.
edited by asinineFlatfoot on 7/26/2018
edited by asinineFlatfoot on 7/26/2018

I’m pretty sure your the scars you have caused upon yourself will not heal. And indeed I was speculating on why one would need so many candles; my suggestion, give up. Each week you can gain one free SMEN very easily, I can even post later if you’re unaware of how easy it can get pumping up unaccountably peckish to 9 with 3 actions, but every time you gain one SMEN your total cost of candles required is increased aswell, and I don’t think you will be able to really keep up with that. At a certain point you just ought to give up on trying to pervert your studies, blacken your mind and make candle seeds into fire blossoms, and focus only on starvation and acquiring SMEN through the black cards, unless you really feel like spending an Overgoat’s worth of candles eventually.

How many Seekers bother to try the action that takes so many Mourning Candles? It cannot be many. This is my chance to see something almost no one ever sees. Is that not the name of the game?

Thank you for the information about the scars. It is regrettable that I wasted my chance. But I suppose there’s nothing more to be done but press on.

I think the option to give up the Search in the Carnival wipes truly everything, including scars. That’s the route I’m going to be going, when I reset to rid myself of lodgings before later wiping renown.

[quote=asinineFlatfoot]EDIT: Is there a way to remove this Weeping Scar? It didn’t go away when I used A Bad End, and I know that having it stops that card at 7 Seeking from showing up. I was hoping to explore the other option.
There is a way. It is neither cheap nor painless. But you are accustomed to high prices by now, aren’t you?

&quotFlute Street&quot…? I’m afraid I’m not familiar… hmm… ah, that’s a place for people of Importance, isn’t it? I’ve been putting that off, I’ll admit. Becoming Important seems like it has a lot of troubles associated with it. But I suppose it’s not forever avoidable.

Not Important, but Fateful.

Accessing Flute Street requires completing other content and spending 25 Fate. Removing the scars then requires an additional substantial amount of Fate, iirc.

Trying to redo your scarring means squandering your time and resources, but like, moreso than normal.

Fate is out of the question.

Oh well. A minor concern, I suppose. Thank you for your information. Now, I need to find a way to become as Shadowy as possible, as soon as possible.