SpecificAbility does not appear to be among the quality categories that can be chosen. (Yet?)
I usually ignore anything new in the back end, simply because it’s unlikely to be implemented on SN’s front end.
On a related note, since when did it become possible to have multiple rare success and rare default results for the same branch?
Unless it’s changed very recently, it isn’t. An interface bug lets you create more than one, but I don’t think they get saved.
So I’ve played around yesterday with equippable Things (thank you again for fixing the bug!), and discovered some neat stuff with highly unwise uses.
Remember this restriction? Well, it turns out that it only gets checked when you assign the bonus/penalty.
However, once it’s in place, you can go ahead and change the enhanced quality to any other type!
Including a Thing.
Including a Thing that is also an item slot.
Including a Thing that is also an item slot where the enhancing Thing is equipped.
Including a Thing that is also an item slot where the enhancing Thing that provides a penalty is equipped.
("Mad Science", unknown artist, 2018.)
So what happens when we put a slot-eating item into a corresponding edible slot?
- The item slot vanishes.[/li][li]The item goes back to your regular inventory.[/li][li]The item continues to provide any other bonuses/penalties it may have.[/li][li]The item can no longer be unequipped.
From the top of my head, I can think of a few edge cases where that may be useful. Perhaps you liked the idea of Your Own Severed Head from Fallen London, or perhaps you want to have a Totalitarian Tyrant that destroys Our Elected Leader slot.
This is interesting, but I want to congratulate you for constantly deleting your posts (for few months already) to stay at 777! :)
Haha. That’s hilarious. I’ve got to find a way to use that in my WIP. That’s like the very definition of a classically cursed item!
I noticed yesterday that the long-broken deleting of branch results has been fixed. I wonder if any other bugs have been secretly bashed?
I’ve also just discovered that objectives no longer display properly. There appears to be a new way of working with them, but it doesn’t work on the SN front end.
I was wondering…nobody’s responded to the questions I posted in a separate thread, but one of them was about objectives. I guess that’s why I couldn’t figure it out, if something’s actually broken.