MISSION FREEZE! a Random Hostage

[li]i feel stuck.

i know more content is coming, and i know there’s content in Emerald i’ve not fully explored.
in fact, i know there’s a lot i haven’t touched.

but the problem seems to be that much of that content is tied to random port events that almost never trigger.
so around the zee i zail, circuit after circuit, hitting nearly every port in the known zee, yet nothing ‘happens’.

not only does this lend to mindless repetition, but it creates confusion.
unless i know in advance that a random event is supposed to happen at port X, how do you know?
am i hitting the wrong port, over and over, and just wasting my time?
or is the event NOT tied to location, and anywhere is good?

i really think the game needs to lighten up on randomness or tie more events to preconditions.
get the Magician, and three trips to Vender auto-gens the snake.
that at LEAST gets you started on The Great Path.
or oh - this officer is dying; maybe some guidance pops within X # of ports after to give you a hint …

there really needs to be something.
otherwise, you can end up slogging yourself to death for nothing … NOTHING …[/li][li]
edited by Psst! on 8/5/2014