Mirror marches are cleared out to Nightmares 50

So I went off on a probably pointless quest, like one does. My goal was to explore the Mirror Marches.

I had noted that the storylets available were delimited by your Nightmares. I do not currently think the opportunity cards are likewise delimited, but I could have missed something. Anyhow, this means that the Mirror Marches have a geography, they are not a single undifferentiated space. To garner evidence for my theory I set out on an expedition into the Mirror Marches, my goal being to get as far from sanity – and therefore Fallen London – as I could.

Initial forays into the Marches had shown me that there was no new material in the regions from Nightmares 8 up to Nightmares 12, but I had never progressed beyond that point. I suspected, as I do now, that there was no new material, but it’s just too damn tempting to go looking for things, and I have never been anything other than Curious where this game is concerned.

My results have been as expected. No new storylets appear above Nightmares 8, out to the realm of Nightmares 50. I can not say that there is no new content beyond Nightmares 50, but it does seem unlikely. It was a many-day’s long grind to get out this far, and 50 is a pretty round number. Combine that with FBG’s desire to make good games and I am now convinced there is nothing more out there in the Mirror Marches. That said, I am still merely making an inference, I have no evidence that at Nightmares 51 there is not a storylet that appears leading you to a tree filled with Hesperidian Apples – but it seems highly unlikely.

I can’t claim any cleverness in getting Nightmares up to 50, it was just a matter of grinding on the storylet and taking every opportunity card that offered more Nightmares. However it still is a pretty high level to get to, and might be the maddest anyone in the Mirror Marches has ever been. So I concede to the principle of &quotpics or it didn’t happen&quot and shall provide such.


Oh, that’s a shame, I’d find it interesting if you had discovered something because of really high nightmare. Anyway, congrats for making it this far. You probably are the player who ventured the farther into the Marches.

Yeah, I was really hoping that out at some ridiculous level of Nightmares there would be some new storylets.

I’m just not willing to push on beyond 50. I’m not NiteBrite after all. (though I terribly deeply admire them, and aspire to such exploration)

I think 42 levels of Menace without anything new, and knowing that such a state is hard and time-consuming to return from, is enough of an exploration. Continuing after that would get you, at best, closer to Seekers (come to our side, we have cookies ! But we sacrificed our teeth to the well and cannot eat them anymore… oh the lost feeling of the food… the long forgotten taste of things… now only ashes remain in my mouth…), hahaha !

Now you tempt me to turn around. However, I shall decline, for now.

If Seeking ever returns however…

Absimiliard, Thank you for exploring. These findings (even the one which rules out further content) advance us all.

You are most kind, and most welcome. That is precisely why I wanted to do it.

What would be of us without those brave explorers out there? I hope we get to name some landmark in Parabola after you.

I suggest, “Absimiliard’s Folly”.

What reward does the Glasslord profession give?

I’m not one, yet, but I believe the Glassman’s payment is Uncanny Incanabulum, Mourning Candles, and Memories of Light. The Memories make sense to me, as anyone can enter the Mirror Marches with them. I don’t understand the candles much. The Incanabulum makes sense to me, you can get some which contain useful secrets about the Fingerkings in the Gallery of Serpents.

I am a Glassman! But clearly you are a tier above me. Perhaps I got the title wrong — is it Glassbaron? ;)

(You need the candles to make pretty patterns in the mirrors.)
edited by TheThirdPolice on 4/28/2016

laughs Ah, I see your point. My bad. Speculation is that the Tier 4 profession should be the Oneiromancer. If that’s true then I’ll certainly go for it as soon as FBG creates it. The fiction I am writing relating to this quest is very clearly &quotmagic in dreams&quot.

I just noticed, this hasn’t proven entirely an exercise in futility. I’ve gotten some truly ridiculous amounts of CP in Fingerwork, and my Gates of the Garden, and Eyes of Icarus got bumped pretty good too. Not that I’m sure what any of them are good for, but it beats a kick in the pants.
edited by absimiliard on 4/29/2016

I must admit I’m kinda disappointed that the writers didn’t consider this possibility :P

[quote=absimiliard]Yeah, I was really hoping that out at some ridiculous level of Nightmares there would be some new storylets.

I’m just not willing to push on beyond 50. I’m not NiteBrite after all. (though I terribly deeply admire them, and aspire to such exploration)[/quote]
It takes real guts to head off into the unknown at great personal risk like that for the sake of exploration. Getting to 50 nightmares just to see if anything is there is an accomplishment I totes respect :-)

Coming from you that is an honor indeed. I wish I could claim the courage to have done more than merely sacrifice time to a grind in search of the unknown. It pales in comparison to some of the stories I have heard of what you’ve done – mad props back.

I second this!

[quote=absimiliard]No new storylets appear above Nightmares 8, out to the realm of Nightmares 50. [/quote]Bravo.