Midnighter or Crooked-Cross?

I recently started playing Fallen London and decided to investigate the professions I could have. Both midnighter and crooked-cross interest me from a roleplay point of view (plus the rewards are quite nice) but I’m torn as they are both tier 3 jobs that require me to start from either trickster or watcher so I wanted to ask to those who have or have had these professions: what were your experiences with them? Were they fun and/or worth it?

The professions don’t add a lot of content–they’re mainly for roleplaying purposes, and their primary benefit is the unique equipment. (Pretty much, the only different flavor text you’ll see is when you collect your weekly payment or upgrade your profession.) So I would advise choosing based on which suits your character better. Is your character deeply entrenched in the Great Game, or are they more wrapped up in the intrigues between the Church and Hell? Are they more spy or confidence trickster?

On the mechanical side, a lot of people favor the Home Comfort that comes with Midnighter, but either way the bonuses over other best-in-slot items are pretty negligible. Crooked-Crosses also have the opportunity to speak at other players’ salons to gain Making Waves, if that interests you.

Profession choice mostly comes down to personal preference. Like you say, it’s mostly a roleplaying choice. It’s definitely worth it to go for one of the tier 3 jobs, though–the weekly rewards are all high value items, and the unique equipments give excellent stat boosts.

The Midnighter’s unique equipment stands out because it’s a Home Comfort, which is a category of item that’s both very difficult to fill and usually gives more modest benefits. I would say the Crooked-Cross’s equipment isn’t as good, because it’s easier to find weapons that give something close to its stats. But it’s also a giant gold and blue cross, so it has aesthetic value. And Crooked-Crosses are always in high demand among other players, since they can be invited for a very beneficial social action.

So neither is going to cut you off from any content, or give you a massive advantage compared to the other one. Just figure out what suits your character. And switching professions isn’t as bad as it seems–it’s mostly just dependent on drawing the right opportunity cards, there’s no penalty–so if you change your mind, that’s alright.

I will have you know that cross is lacquered with Apocyan, not just any old color like those blind fools up on the surface, and that is not cheap to acquire.

Or so one hears.

[quote=earthbourn]The professions don’t add a lot of content–they’re mainly for roleplaying purposes, and their primary benefit is the unique equipment. (Pretty much, the only different flavor text you’ll see is when you collect your weekly payment or upgrade your profession.) So I would advise choosing based on which suits your character better. Is your character deeply entrenched in the Great Game, or are they more wrapped up in the intrigues between the Church and Hell? Are they more spy or confidence trickster?

On the mechanical side, a lot of people favor the Home Comfort that comes with Midnighter, but either way the bonuses over other best-in-slot items are pretty negligible. Crooked-Crosses also have the opportunity to speak at other players’ salons to gain Making Waves, if that interests you.[/quote]

That’s not quite all. Your income will consist of different items depending on which Profession you pick. For instance, I enjoy being a Correspondent, but the income items are dull and don’t have much other use (Sworn Statement, Dubious Testimony, Antique Mysteries). Though the Antique Mysteries are worth rather a lot and can always be sold for Echoes, of course.

It’s not that big a deal to switch, anyway. I went from Correspondent to Crooked Cross in a short spell of time and little effort. Try them both out, if you like.

Thank you all so much, I think I will dedicate myself to The Game to midnighter it is.

There are some fringe benefits to professions alongside the RP element and what you are paid. For example, Crooked Cross can be invited to a Salon at considerable cost to the host (for a big chunk of MW) and attending grants a nice little payoff for you.

I have been a monster hunter for a while largely for the bonus antique mystery you get when you capture a plated seal. I must have bred dozens of the things, but I have wrung most of the obvious benefits out of Labyrinth now and I am considering another career.

It should probably be noted that whilst Crooked Cross can be invited to Salons, Correspondents and Midnighters can be invited to Orphanages instead.