Message for Alyss Kingsley and Trinity Farquar

Whilst formally members of my clique, it is quite a long time since I saw you interacting. Please let me know if you’re interested in playing again: if you plan on returning after a hiatus, no matter how long, you’ll find your place untouched, but if you’re not interested, I’ll make room for new members. If I won’t hear news from you either here on the forum or via Twitter in a week from now, I’ll wish you the best of luck in whatever journey you’re enterprising, and regrettingly proceed to the kickout procedure.

(Also seizing the opportunity to say hello to all of my clique companions: Crocetta, Elvortel and Lady Azjurai, I’m honored to have you on my side in the streets of Fallen London. May we all find our personal happy ending).

EDIT: Having received no answer, I proceed. Hope I’ll see you both playing again, someday in the future.
edited by streetfelineblue on 4/30/2012