Menaces while at Zee? (Specifically suspicion)

Is there any way to reduce suspicion while at zee? After doing some searching, I have tentative concluded that the answer is no, but I’m hoping to be wrong.

Edith is coming back to London from a long expedition, and I have a feeling there will be a group of constables awaiting her arrival to carry her off to prison again. I was hoping to avoid a high criminal record for her, but I just can’t recall if I can stop anywhere to reduce suspicion.


Once you get back to london, you could try immediately hitting the bazaar tab and buying a somber dress or something else that reduces suspicion, then putting that on before going to the story tab. But I don’t think there’s a way at zee.
edited by suinicide on 3/22/2016
edited by suinicide on 3/22/2016

If you have the Iron Republic Safe Conduct you can reduce all your menaces. All your menaces fluctuate during your time there and at the end you can spend the quality you gain to reduce them further.

Thanks, lady ciel and suinicide. Edith doesn’t have the Iron Republic yet, so I did what Suinicide suggested, which worked a treat.

I didn’t realize I would have a chance to put on the somber dress before the cops caught up with her. As it was, she neatly avoided New Newgate again.

Pleased that you escaped going to New Newgate.

There is an alternative if your suspicion is higher than can be managed by using suspicion lowering items. You can use the myself tab, just like you did with the bazaar tab, and use Absolution Solution.

It should be noted that if you’ve been back to prison too many times, the Absolution Solution stops being helpful.

So in this situation where Suspicion is concerned, prevention is definitely better than cure. (Spend the Echoes on bottles if you need to - the money can be recovered, but your Criminal Record cannot.

[quote=Kittenpox]It should be noted that if you’ve been back to prison too many times, the Absolution Solution stops being helpful.

So in this situation where Suspicion is concerned, prevention is definitely better than cure. (Spend the Echoes on bottles if you need to - the money can be recovered, but your Criminal Record cannot.[/quote]
It takes like 6 trips minimum to become a redivist, though. If you don’t plan on making a habit of it, the penalties are never really all that bad. a minor loss of connections, and pre-redivist, a trip to prison, and that’s all.

[quote=lady ciel ]Pleased that you escaped going to New Newgate.

There is an alternative if your suspicion is higher than can be managed by using suspicion lowering items. You can use the myself tab, just like you did with the bazaar tab, and use Absolution Solution.[/quote]

Wow, I always thought I couldn’t use my inventory like that when I was at zee. I didn’t even bother checking. But then, I didn’t realize that I’d have that first moment upon arrival when I could access my gear and inventory. I just imagined that as soon as I clicked on the &quotLondon&quot destination button, I’d go straight to jail and I was hoping to preempt that.