Masters that are a lighter shade of gray?

I fear you’re conflating your Palace-dwellers. The father of the Empress’ children is the brought-back-from-dying-of-Typhoid husband of the Empress, the Prince Consort. The Duchess’ husband is the Cantigaster. Both husbands have been messed up badly by Bazaar trickery, but in different ways.

The 11th is Sacks. I’m pretty sure that I have read that he used to be a separate Master, but the current ones are filling in for him in recent years.

Always ask the ratty One Spacemarine9 about this kind of question at I’m a Candle. As noted, he believes the 11th is none other than the lost Master

Mr. Eaten or formerly Mr. Candles as noted here. Another theory of his suggests the Bazaar counts as one. An earlier conjecture can be found here. Sacks however, is not a master but a Noman Lacre Golems reflected of all the Masters. (And yes, that includes the one I mentioned in spoiler above.)


Once again: I have Apples/Hearts, Cups/Mirrors, Fires, Iron, Pages, Spices, Stones, Veils, Wines, and Eaten. Still one missing, because that adds up to 10.
Personally, my vote for #11 is Sacks.

Once again: I have Apples/Hearts, Cups/Mirrors, Fires, Iron, Pages, Spices, Stones, Veils, Wines, and Eaten. Still one missing, because that adds up to 10.
Personally, my vote for #11 is Sacks.[/quote]

But what if we count Candles as well?

For lack of a better answer let’s just assume it’s Mr Names, the twitter lore exclusive master who is more a twitter directory than an actual in game master. I haven’t seen anything expressly denying Names as a legit master per se.

Once again: I have Apples/Hearts, Cups/Mirrors, Fires, Iron, Pages, Spices, Stones, Veils, Wines, and Eaten. Still one missing, because that adds up to 10.
Personally, my vote for #11 is Sacks.[/quote]

But what if we count Candles as well?[/quote]

Candles = Eaten.

Interesting solution, but the fact that he only exists on Twitter is a problem. He’d have little or no purpose in London!

Once again: I have Apples/Hearts, Cups/Mirrors, Fires, Iron, Pages, Spices, Stones, Veils, Wines, and Eaten. Still one missing, because that adds up to 10.
Personally, my vote for #11 is Sacks.[/quote]

But what if we count Candles as well?[/quote]

Candles = Eaten.


I know, but I think it could be a possibility as well, maybe. Although I think it’s probably Mr Sacks who’s the 11th Master, like someone said earlier.

(also, apologies to whoever I accidentally reported.)

I am pretty sure the only known mr. names not included in the 10 (and their aliases) are Sacks, Names, and Chimes. There may be others, but they wouldn’t be mentioned in the game (by name).
(there’s also their khan names, of which we know some - dreams (who is merry), swords (who doesn’t speak), fires (who rules incense, and now candles), hearts (butcher), roots (farmer), drums (whose dance cannot be denied) - maybe one of those is not one of the contemporarily known ones?).

The Khan names… well, Dreams is Wines, Swords is Iron, Fire is of course Fires, Hearts and Roots are Apples/Hearts, and Drums is Chimes (but it’s been established that Chimes is several different Masters).

If we are compiling alternate names for the Masters…

Mr. Wines is going to be M. Mourvèdre in the future, if the Mirror-Marches are anything to be believed. Things don’t turn out well for him.
edited by th8827 on 11/8/2015

[quote=th8827]If we are compiling alternate names for the Masters…

Mr. Wines is going to be M. Mourvèdre in the future, if the Mirror-Marches are anything to be believed. Things don’t turn out well for him.
edited by th8827 on 11/8/2015[/quote]
I believe that was just an alias he was going with while making that particular deal. It would certainly be strange for the Masters to suddenly break pattern in their naming.

That would be perfectly in character, as

Mourvèdre is a red wine grape varietal. Monsieur Mourvèdre = Mr Wine(grape).

I have a pair of new theories about Mr. Sacks. spoiler for some Fate Locked content.
Here, Mr. Pages calls himself an Original.
From someone else’s journal here… Mr. Sacks mentions his Original.

Putting these together, I think that Mr. Sacks is actually a Noman.

Theory 1. He is an amalgamation of all of the Masters. Since they all shoveled snow separately, portions of their essence got infused into different parts of the snow. His personality shifts, depending on which one is dominant, forgetting what the other personalities did, resulting in multiple visits.

Theory 2. Each Master made a Noman of themselves to fill in for Mr. Sacks, and there is no coordination between them, resulting in multiple visits.