March's Exceptional Story: The Clay Man's Arm

[color=#cc0099]Delicious friends, the Exceptional Story for March is here!

Deep in the Clay Quarter, someone is experimenting with flesh and clay. By sawing limbs and swapping organs, they probe the boundaries of both substance and class. Will you seek out this scholar and his collection of ghastly subjects?

The Clay Man’s Arm is the first story in the Season of Stones, and was written by Graham Robertson. This Season involves three linked stories delving into the hardships and injustices at the heart of London.

Players will be able begin each story from the Season of Stones card. At the end of the season, players who played all three will unlock bonus content allowing them to address - or profit from - London’s inequity.

Editing and QA: Olivia Wood, James Chew, and Cash Decuir.
Art by Paul Arendt.

In addition to a new, substantial, stand-alone story every month, Exceptional Friends enjoy:

  • Access to the House of Chimes: an exclusive private member’s club on the Stolen River, packed with content[/li][li]An expanded opportunity deck: of ten cards instead of six![/li][li]A second candle: Twice the actions! 40 at once!

Finishing all three stories in the Season of Stones will make you eligible for an additional opportunity, to follow.

If you want to keep an Exceptional Story beyond the month it’s for, you must complete the related storylet in the current Season’s card throughout London. This will save it for you to return to another time.[/color]

Season of stones! Now this is going to be interesting! :D

Ive got both An Exceptional Story: Earthy Proselytising and The Season of Stones. Does each story in the season of stones is in addition with the story of the exception friends?

[color=#cc0099]We’ve also posted about changes recently made to how a season’s Exceptional Stories will now be grouped together in one place.[/color]

[quote=Robin Alexander]I’m in two minds about this story . . .

On the one hand, the writing is good; it’s not quite in a style I’m typically prefer, but it’s well written and the concept is very interesting, and I am enjoying each piece of the story as it unfolds.

That being said, I’m confused about the mechanics? I feel it seems very simple on the face, but I’m at 72-ish case notes, but with no sign of being able to close the case . . . I’ve spent two Darkdrop Coffees, a crap-load of items, but 72 is waaaaay higher than I’ve ever had to get cases in the past. I forget the exact number I need, but there’s nowhere around to remind me what number I need to get.

That being said, I did dislike the luck checks at the start, too, but it was nothing major and nothing that stopped me from enjoying the story; it also made sense, as - with a new arm - things would rely on luck. Narratively, it worked well.

I just wish I knew what I was doing with this case :-S[/quote]

I’m up to 84 Detective’s Progress with no sign of progress, am I doing something wrong?[/li][li]
[/li][li]Update: 40 actions and 20 Fate for a total of 120 Detective’s Progress, and I still got nothing. [/li][li]
[/li][li]Update 2: …I feel irrationally sad that I apparently needed FIVE Detective’s Progress to clear it ;_;
edited by Hattington on 2/23/2017[/li][li]
edited by Hattington on 2/23/2017

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I can begin all three stories of the season of stones? Outside of clayman arm I have A Case for Compromise and Mister Songbird and the Valkyrie. I can also begin those stories?

[color=#ff0066]Hi all - there was a bug in the case wheel where a branch hadn’t been unlocked. We’ve now fixed this, and you should be able to progress the case as intended!

If you were affected by the bug, please send us a support ticket to - and we’ll give you some Darkdrop Coffee to make up for lost actions.[/color]
edited by James StAnthony on 2/23/2017

Those are the next few months’ stories.

Hmmm… reached the end; not 100% about my decision.

Let my companion interrupt the Scholar, assuming he’d just get his full attention and make him perform the surgery. Instead, he squished him flat, and I had to perform it myself? But it was implied that the only way to stop my companion from doing that would be to kill him? Or was that not the case?

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And-done. To make a long story short-a literally slow start, but a most satisfying skin-crawling climax.

I can’t help but feel the choice was no choice at all-of COURSE I want my (literally) bloody arm back! It’s mine! It has nostalgic value! My companion may be a grim sod, but I’ve only the word of a madman that this one won’t end with me turning to clay too! And I can hardly fulfill my destiny as a space bat by lugging around this unaerodynamic dead weight can I? And yet, RIGHT at the end I ALMOST regret everything on seeing the serpent on the path not taken. With the scholar’s test subjects dispersed into the streets of London, I doubt we’ll be experiencing any invasions from across the mirror any time soon.

At this rate, I’m not feeling kindly disposed to these plebian uprisings. At. All.

I’ll take great satisfaction in doing my level best to stomp them back into the filth they came from.

[quote=James StAnthony][color=#ff0066]Hi all - there was a bug in the case wheel where a branch hadn’t been unlocked. We’ve now fixed this, and you should be able to progress the case as intended!

If you were affected by the bug, please send us a support ticket to - and we’ll give you some Darkdrop Coffee to make up for lost actions.[/color]
edited by James StAnthony on 2/23/2017[/quote]

Thank you!

At this rate, I’m not feeling kindly disposed to these plebian uprisings. At. All.

I’ll take great satisfaction in doing my level best to stomp them back into the filth they came from. [/quote]

Oh, a like-minded individual. I have no idea how I will react to this story, but I get the feeling that my character will react rather poorly to such a situation, which will surely make it a fun ride.

Now just to wait for my Actions to refill so I can check it out.
edited by Akernis on 2/23/2017

What kind of material rewards give the exceptional story for march?

Has the reward/final storylet for the Season of Skies come out yet? I’d like to finish that before starting this season. This eason does look really intriguing.

Not yet. It probably comes out sometime around the second ES of this season, if we go by the last couple of seasons.

The season’s-end story for the Season of Revolutions came out after the second story in the Season of Skies.

Yeah, but I thought that the Season of Revolutions one was late. I think I recall seeing that the reward for Skies would be mid-late February.

The Season of Skies was not yet done by mid-February.

To the best of my recollection. until now the Seasonal conclusion was always release at least a month or two after the season completed. Sometimes more.

At this rate, I’m not feeling kindly disposed to these plebian uprisings. At. All.

I’ll take great satisfaction in doing my level best to stomp them back into the filth they came from. [/quote]

Oh, a like-minded individual. I have no idea how I will react to this story, but I get the feeling that my character will react rather poorly to such a situation, which will surely make it a fun ride.

Now just to wait for my Actions to refill so I can check it out.
edited by Akernis on 2/23/2017[/quote]

*Takes a knife&quot

Either way, will we compete with Russia with who will become the first communist country now?

Here’s what I was talking about, its in the Study.
“Putting the Pieces Together
You are ready to uncover the person behind the crimes.The conclusion to the Season of Skies will unlock sometime in February, where you’ll be able to solve the mystery and confront its mastermind.”

I’d expect it on monday. It normally comes a bit after the next season starts.