Mozart’s skull continues to scream. It’s the furthest thing possible from music.
Something has happened to your memories. Something drastic. They are, in fact, gone: a blank space in your skull where the last few days should be. This will not stand! You’ll have to investigate. The task before you is simple: work backwards, and discover what connects you to a museum heist, a veiled woman, the distant land of Polythreme, and the alleged skull of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Marvellous!
Hmm. I really like this story, but there’s been too many stories lately that rely on irrigo as a plot mechanic and have all the interesting bits be things that already happened and the story you’re playing just be piecing them together.
I don’t mind them, and as far as they go I quite like this one. It’s just WAY too many WAY too close together for my liking.
We do usually like to spread themes around, but have in this case had to put things close together that we wouldn’t usually do for production reasons. I hope it didn’t spoil your enjoyment too much!
Given that the description of this Exceptional Story involves memory loss, are there any choices that require the Midnighter Profession / Secret Shrine to St Joshua, the way there were in the previous Exceptional Story A Dinner to Die For?
I’m curious if the Masters will still perform reconstructive surgery on Mr Cards who was stolen by spiders.
Will the Masters make the Spiders their new member?
Considering Bag of Legend suggests they apparently deemed a clockwork effigy as a suitable replacement for Veils and Nemesis shows that Mirrors is trapped forever while the other Masters take turns pretending to be him, if anything I think Mr. Spiders would be a step up compared to some of their previous replacements.