It’s apparently intended that you can’t replay the Battle of Wolfstack docks. The reset text has also been clarified.

[quote=Estelle Knoht]
I wonder if the fate-locked branch to revive him still shows up if he manage to clear his name, since the only thing that lock the branch is not having a disgraced chief.[/quote]
I’ve been lucky enough to have two redeemed Bandit-Chiefs across four accounts, and I can confirm that the Fate-locked option to get him back is there. Like you said, all it requires is a lack of Disgraced Chief. (I haven’t bought it yet on anyone who didn’t outright lose their rat, but now I’m tempted to.)

FYI, going for the throat when trying to catch hunt beasts? Still lowers subtle, even if you have over 16. Unpleasant surprise there.

I agree with the poster above that I’d forgotten how tedious the mid-levels of the Dangerous line were - to go from the dueling of the Black Ribbon to grinding it out against the beasts has ended up days of just clicking on the same thing over and over (although it did have the advantage of raising my Dangerous stat from lowest to second behind only Persuasive). What’s the trigger to move on from Acquiring Specimens? I’ve brought in a live fungus column, wolves and not one but two spider councils (and thought one would have done the trick but I didn’t see an next step, so I nabbed another). I’ve looked around for a new storylet but don’t see it, despite getting my Procuring (or whatever the quality is) up to 6. Any I missing it somewhere? The Labryinth beckons - I hope!

Edit: just checked my qualities and my &quotName Scrawled in Blood&quot is 7. Did I jump to that level without having to run through the Labyrinth and without the &quotlevel jump&quot reward and notification that signaled the other tiers being completed? Right now, my Labyrinth of Tigers is empty - the only storylets are those that pop up everywhere, like the Knife-and-Candle ones. Is this the bug that others mentioned upthread (I was on level 4 of the Labyrinth pre-reset)? Or is there still a need to climb up the Dangerous ladder further?
edited by Kilrathi on 9/28/2015[li]
edited by Kilrathi on 9/28/2015

Have you recieved the letter from Mr Inch? It used to show up in Wolfstack at a certain point, though that may have changed, and is also accessible via the Clay Coalman under the local gossips at your lodgings. You are definitely encountering the bug with being at a coil the game doesn’t think you should access yet. I was told to use a new patch storylet that moves you to the entrance, but that didn’t show up for me either so a Failbetterian had to move my character manually. Hopefully they’ll get the patch storylet working properly but until then contacting is your best bet.

I was also saddened to see this is the case. Feedback staff told me they re-worded the Dangerous Tracker choice text to reflect the fact that a Veteran of the docks battle cannot replay it. In hindsight, I suppose it would have lead to a marginal inflation of Connected: Masters levels across the board. I was also pleased that the brief Masters gain bug was fixed across the board. Now those who have worked hard on raising it can rest easy that it remains a rare bragging rights commodity. :cool:

Other than the Ribbon grind still leading right into the Beasts grind, I’m very happy with a lot of the tidying up that this revamp has brought.
Perhaps accumulated feedback will lead to some kind of new interim content or a separation of the grinds by minor restructuring of existing content chronology. As a first-time player though things feel different; we second-timers could try remembering that each fight/capture/kill came with its own fresh and exciting literary rewards. I can recall trying each and every one of the grind options just to have them echoed on my journal, even if at times I knew they would be detrimental on fails. Good times.

It now shows up as soon you hit Procurer of Beasts 5, regardless of where you are. I happened to be in Veilgarden (I killed a Snuffer), and when I hit Onwards it went straight to the letter from Mr Inch. After you go to the labyrinth and talk to Mr Inch there, you get Name Scrawled in Blood 7. So yeah, it definitely sounds like your thing is bugged, Kilrathi.

Well I seem to have found a bug. I got the letter from Mr. Inch through the clay coalman in my lodgings while partway through duelling the black ribbon and now my Name Scrawled in Blood is 7. I got access to the Labyrinth but missed the rewards for reaching 6 and can’t acquire exhibits. I’ll have to send off an email when I’m more awake.

Just saying I like the new Dangerous tracker very much! The goals and stat boost are useful too.

Duels are tedious. Takes forever!

Optimatum, that’s more or less what happened to me, too, although I was a bit later and able to collect exhibits. I took your advice and wrote to support and Chris helped me out, resetting the Labyrinth along the way. Looks like using the Coalman as we both did may mess things up. Seems like it’s fixable with just an email to support.
Now to find that Tiger Keeper. Maybe second time around he’ll help me find that darn map that’s been eluding me for months (all advice and encouragement from helpful forum posters notwithstanding!).

I used the coalman at dueling 4, and hit the patch storylet. No change in my name scrawled in blood yet though. I guess I’ll go back and finish dueling to avoid creating a bad state.

I had a nostalgic strike and ended up fooling around in the Black Ribbon, but something strikes me as odd. I have two questions:

  1. I didn’t replay content, but I gather that Vendrick’s death should award Fearsome Duellist 5 or 6. Thing is, I dueled Feducci in the past (twice) and now I have FD 3! How is that possible? (I can’t duel Vendrick, so I assume he’s dead)
  2. What are the “new stories” promised by that Story stat?

Thank you for the attention.

Ah, my good chap, I believe you have misunderstood. Regarding your first question, Fearsome Duellist rises with each duel fought, so while some opponents will only bring you to, say, FD 3, that is a range of up to 3, not jumping directly to 3. To get up to Fearsome Duellist 5, which is necessary to unlock the Mr Inch/Labyrinth of Tigers content, you need to keep fighting; in your case you can fight Mr Inch up to FD 4, then Chi Lan and/or Feducci to get to 5 (and above, should you choose). For those who haven’t permanently killed Cap’t Vendrick, he would get you as far as FD 5.

For your second question, I believe the ‘new stories’ are the new opponents that become available to you as you work your way up the chain to becoming a Fearsome Duellist. As I have done this content after the recent changes in Dangerous with a lower-level alt, there is no ‘new’ new content, i.e., completely new storylets, just a reworking of the content that was previously available.

2. What are the &quotnew stories&quot promised by that Story stat?[/quote]

I believe this is a message that your Name Scrawled in Blood has increased. Thus the &quotnew stories&quot are the storied that become available with higher values of NSiB. So for example defeating the spider council unlocks the Black Ribbon so the Black Ribbon is the &quotnew story&quot being referred to. And defeating the Black Ribbon unlocks Mr Inch so that’s the &quotnew story&quot etc

Thanky you for answering most of my doubts. Only a little weirdness remaining:

Ok, so this means the rework ignores your FD value if you say you have accessed the Labyrinth as I did?
The rework left me with FD 2 (got to 3 after a few fights for rostygold), that with the new prerequisites isn’t enough to challenge Feducci, let alone enter the Labyrinth. The staff thought everyone that reached the LoT had already ground to FD 5 or would replay the content or this little glitch only affected me?

(I’m not trying to make it a bigger issue than it actually is, probably I’ll get it over 6 eventually, it’s just that details sometimes get under my skin and I’d like to know where the problem comes from. Yep, I can be punctilious like that, I’m sorry)

[quote=Huey]Thanky you for answering most of my doubts. Only a little weirdness remaining:

Ok, so this means the rework ignores your FD value if you say you have accessed the Labyrinth as I did?
The rework left me with FD 2 (got to 3 after a few fights for rostygold), that with the new prerequisites isn’t enough to challenge Feducci, let alone enter the Labyrinth. The staff thought everyone that reached the LoT had already ground to FD 5 or would replay the content or this little glitch only affected me?

(I’m not trying to make it a bigger issue than it actually is, probably I’ll get it over 6 eventually, it’s just that details sometimes get under my skin and I’d like to know where the problem comes from. Yep, I can be punctilious like that, I’m sorry)[/quote]

The legalistic answer, then, is that if you chose the furthest option on the tracker (the Labyrinth) you are exempt from the new structure of the Fearsome Duellist quality and are grandfathered in even with a low or non-existent level, because you basically indicated that you didn’t want to go back and do that content again. You still may raise it by replaying the duels, but you’re not given free points in it just for saying you’re at the Labyrinth, since it does require some grinding to achieve.

Once at Level 7, there isn’t any higher content right now, right?

I believe 7 is as high as it can go for right now, yes.

Only by having already been advanced past that stage when the tracker went in.

I only just now noticed that the failsafe in the Laerynth of Tigers for players who reset their dangerous storyline has a black frame instead of the usual white/bronze/silver/gold.

( Patch: Overstepping your Bounds)