Making Waves

Just curious, what does this do after you’re a &quotPerson of Some Importance&quot? For those of us far, far from that goal, it’s basically pointless, but does it ever do anything?

[quote=Marcus of the Mangrove College]Just curious, what does this do after you’re a &quotPerson of Some Importance&quot? For those of us far, far from that goal, it’s basically pointless, but does it ever do anything?[/quote]It does quite a bit :-)

Making Waves is used to gain Notability. The more Notable you are the more Making Waves are needed to increase it further.
Notability is mostly used for getting higher tier Professions (with their rewards), and can also be traded for stat increase past the cap limit, to get more K&C prize tokens, and, of course, for status purposes :-)