Making Waves: Good or Bad?

A simple enough question. Is it a good thing or a bad thing to be Making Waves? It isn’t listed as a Menace, yet something about it makes me nervous. The tallest nail is hammered down, is it not?

It’s pretty useless before you’re a PoSI, and will be useful after.

Upd: considering your interest - don’t worry about being noticed and &quothammered down&quot. You will eventually get an option to become obscure.
edited by incerteza on 6/29/2018

If you are not a Person of Some Importance(PoSI) it is only useful for letting a friend who is Benefit from flattery at Dante’s Grill. Reduces your wounds and suspicion, lets them take some of your making waves. Beyond that I don’t think it actually has any uses for newer players.

For Non-Persons of Some Importance, it’s kinda useless. Once you are a Person of Some Importance (POSI), getting high levels of Making Waves quickly becomes a top priority since it’s so useful and you basically need it for a lot of cool stuff like higher tier professions.

And besides, if we’re going into rp, it’s better to be remembered and awed than to be forgotten and dismissed.

Making Waves is a quality, increased by doing actions that, in London, would catch the public’s attention. Because the public’s attention span is short, every week, your Making Waves quality will decrease to half it’s current level, rounding down, no matter what whenever Time the Healer comes to bear its ‘gifts’. If you are not a Person of Some Importance (POSI), it is completely useless, but also harmless.

If you become a POSI, Making Waves becomes a very important quality that you have to raise and maintain. It can be converted into Notability, basically a permanent version of Making Waves, which has multiple uses including, but not limited to accessing third-tier professions, increasing stats past the 200 limit, obtaining new and improved versions of certain lodgings, acquiring a Reputation of Some Importance, etc. It is also used to maintain Notability, as if your Making Waves quality is lower than your Notability, then your Notability also goes down. It has a limit of 15.

Entry into Slowcake’s Exceptional is needed to warrant a visit from Slowcake’s Amanuensis, where you can convert Making Waves into Notability. You can also force a visit when attending to matters of society at home. The cost to do so increases every time your Notability goes up, but also goes down whenever it drops. BDR (Bizarre, Dreaded, Respectability) is needed to temper this cost. Similar to Making Waves, it is harmless and mostly useless to Non-POSI. Each point of BDR decreases the amount of Making Waves needed to increase your Notability.

In the future, it may be best to seek consultation in the forum’s weekly question threads or in the Fallen London wiki.

If you are still curious about the nature of Making Waves, Notability, and BDR, here is a handy guide.

TLDR) Making Waves: Good.
edited by Harry P. on 6/29/2018

I see. I suppose that makes sense: if you’re not a person of importance, it doesn’t really matter if you make a few waves. Glad to hear I’m not attracting any unwanted attention.

No. I came to the Neath seeking something I knew would destroy me. My life is forfeit. I do not deserve a place in anyone’s memory. Better to be forgotten.

[quote=asinineFlatfoot]I see. I suppose that makes sense: if you’re not a person of importance, it doesn’t really matter if you make a few waves. Glad to hear I’m not attracting any unwanted attention.

No. I came to the Neath seeking something I knew would destroy me. My life is forfeit. I do not deserve a place in anyone’s memory. Better to be forgotten.[/quote]No. All memory deserves to be preserved, even painful ones. Especially painful ones. To become nothing, you must pass through the state of being first. Sacrifices are precious, and those who have no burden to lose can gain no thing from that loss.

(What I mean to say is that you may reach the point where Making Waves matter sometime in the next twenty or so weeks - in fact, you must in order to complete your quest - and it might be good to keep in mind. Furthermore, one way to gain no candle is through the toil and tears of the Notability grind, though there are easier ways that I hope you use instead.)