Making Plans

Don’t seem to have it, yet.

Using google chrome, logged out and then back in, nada.

Try a hard refresh with Crtl+F5, or use an incognito window.

The Collection manufacture option actually looks perfectly fine! Although I was able to get a note to shed its earthly bounds and extend out into impossible space.

It’d be nice to have something to let you move to a storylet from the plans menu, I agree, but there’d have to be something to stop you from bookmarking a lucrative opportunity card and spamming it forever by refreshing the plan.

As is, the Plan tab works pretty nicely as a way of tracking requirements to come back to them later, it’d just be nice to expand that functionality a little. It might be nice to have an option to lock a plan in the Active slot, for something you plan on doing a whole bunch.

Being able to link plans together might be neat as well; e.g. you plan on making Master’s Blood, so you mark the airag option from the Sommelier, the Strangling Willow -> Broken Giant conversion, and the Strangling Willow payout from the Affair of the Box, so you have a note of every step of the process just in case you suddenly get blasted with an irrigo ray and forget what you’re supposed to be doing (I suppose you could use the note function for that as well, but this is a bit neater).

Also; the UI is a little barebones if you don’t have any active or completed plans; putting in a box to say you’ve got no active/completed plans would help to bulk it out a bit, and you could maybe put a little tutorial text in as well to explain the functionality.
edited by Spacemarine9 on 3/30/2015

Would love access to this.

Username: Boreaquis

A shiny new thing! Capital! I would love to help. Username and character name are both Lady Taimi Felix.

Still nothing.

I’m liking it so far. I have a pretty good memory most of the time, but occasionally I’ll forget some little thing in the middle of a cycle.

I’d like to be able to check this out! Username and character name are both Alzar.

It’d be nice to have something to let you move to a storylet from the plans menu, I agree, but there’d have to be something to stop you from bookmarking a lucrative opportunity card and spamming it forever by refreshing the plan.

Being able to link plans together might be neat as well; e.g. you plan on making Master’s Blood, so you mark the airag option from the Sommelier, the Strangling Willow -> Broken Giant conversion, and the Strangling Willow payout from the Affair of the Box, so you have a note of every step of the process just in case you suddenly get blasted with an irrigo ray and forget what you’re supposed to be doing (I suppose you could use the note function for that as well, but this is a bit neater).[/quote]

Something like this, perhaps? Tracking the parent storylet, its location and some such, and block jumping if it is a card / across the zee.

If linking is too much to implement, simply letting us grouping plans together and arranging orders is also an alternative.

If you are still accepting testers, I’d love to be a part.

Story Nexus ID: Marigrace
Username: Odessa Reyes Isola-Maskylene

Thank you kindly![li]
edited by odessa on 3/30/2015

I sent an email to the support address about the &quotaddded&quot typo as well as some notes-related stuff. As for the design, I agree it could be more useful. Some of these are more feasible than others, but as long as we’re shooting for the moon:

1) Allow us to mark storylet entry points in addition to branches. If I want to build casing to rob the Brass Embassy, it would be more useful for me to mark &quotPreparing for a big score&quot instead of one of its child options like &quotFormulate a plan&quot.

2a) In addition to the branch name, tell us the storylet it came from as well as the location it’s in. Instead of just &quotFormulate a plan&quot, something like &quotThe Flit -> Preparing for a big score -> Formulate a plan&quot tells us everything we need to find that branch again. The location/storylet/branch could all be on separate lines, tabbed like a tree view for aesthetics, so as to not have to worry about things getting too long and overflowing the window borders.

2b) If the branch comes from an opportunity card, you can use the card’s name and mention that it’s an opportunity card so people won’t get confused, i.e. &quotAmber in the well (Opportunity Card) -> Convince the Rubbery Men to move on&quot. If you’re feeling particularly sporting, you can also fill in the location IF the card is location-dependent (don’t need it otherwise).

3) Like others have said, a &quottake me there&quot button/link would be nice to have. If you do implement my suggestion from 2a, you could even have separate buttons for each step in the location, in case the player wants to start at the Flit and drill down into the branch to remind themselves what the context is. The hard part would be figuring out how to limit this functionality to prevent abuse/confusion. I think it should only work for valid locations the user can currently reach that are also free of cost. The former keeps people from cheating, and the latter keeps people from feeling cheated if they click it by mistake.

Here are some examples of when the buttons should not appear:

[ul][li]Opportunity card branches (not usually accessible, and probably not worth checking the player’s hand)[/li][li]Branches inside the Clay Quarters if the player is elsewhere (entering CQ requires an entry fee)[/li][li]Places outside of London if the player is in London and vice-versa (non-trivial relocation)[/li][li]Reward actions like the reaching the destination of Forgotten Quarter expeditions (other sequential requirements the player needs to fulfill first)[/li][/ul]Also, I agree that a simple &quotYou have none.&quot message when your active/completed plans are empty would look nicer.

Edit: I just saw Estelle’s mock-up – I like it!
edited by Yoten on 3/30/2015

A very simple upgrade: let us create a note to go along with the Plan at the moment we create it, rather than having to enter the Plans tab, find the new plan, and add a note.

If you’re still accepting testers, I’d like to try this. I should have &quotSir William Lydgate&quot as both my IGN and my storynexus ID.

I really like that it keeps the list of items you need for the action on the saved plan. also I like the notes section, which it would seem you could use for whatever. I would appreciate a &quotgo to&quot button, which could take you directly to the storylet; however, I’m not sure how it would interact with cards, or areas like the Shuttered Palace, or the zee, or the Labyrinth of Tigers. It would also be nice to see where exactly the storylet is, in case I forget to record that and then have to run around London trying to figure out where something is.

just as a recording of things that need to be gotten to, this is pretty convenient! i would definitely use this so that i don’t forget my goals. which, tbh, i’m pretty sure that i have. :P darn irrigo.

Would love to help if there is still space (I think mikey_thinkin is both my username and character name. At least, I can’t see anything else in my profile)
edited by genesis on 3/30/2015

I appreciate the marker turning green for Completed branches. This will help people with more than one account avoid the occasional misclick in the Affair of the Box.

Oh, my goodness. I’d be absolutely delighted to assist, if you have need of further testers.

Username: Lady Eris. Character name: Lady Eris Psmith.

After some more Planning I have some extra minor suggestions…

[ul][li]If you Plan a one-time-only action, such as on a gold storylet, after you complete it you can renew the Plan despite technically never being allowed to reach that branch again. Maybe those ones shouldn’t be renewable.[/li][/ul][ul][li]When executing a Planned branch, the UI says &quotYou succeeded at a plan! <note text>&quot. I like the addition of the note text, but I actually FAILED the branch’s challenge so the &quotyou succeeded&quot part was a bit strange. Maybe reword it to something more neutral like &quotexecuted&quot or &quotattempted&quot?
edited by Yoten on 3/31/2015

I would love to test this out! Username and character name are both Ginneon Thursday

I’m a long-time lurker, cursed with a crippling social shyness. But, this feature sounds fascinating enough to draw me from the woodwork like a curious spider… If you’ve a need for more testers, I would love to be one of them. I shan’t be upset if you have filled your quota, or would rather take more regular posters - que sera, sera, so they say.

My Fallen London character name is R Delirium Crowley (as my signature indicates - same as this forum name, minus that illegal ‘.’), and my Storynexus account name is Raves.

Thank you for your time and consideration ^_^