Major bug in the card drawing mechanism

Yeah the Singer has all but disappeared from Caroline’s Deck, which is not a big issue but yeah, good source of passphrases. Caroline’s spouse is also making herself scarce.
edited by Lady Karnstein on 9/11/2019

Was she that good? 3.35 E and 1.8 MW for 2 AP. I admit I used that card a lot of times, but only to a point; after that it didn’t seem that useful. Specially after maxing out the connection.

Back to the cards, I see that the conflict cards and Evening Zailing don’t show up that much. Alas, maybe it’s time to progress the Lab. :( Can’t say that I enjoy these changes, but this is how it’s mean to be!

I was having some luck with helping the singer via the forger, singer helping me for passphrase, raising forger via visit and using forger for wine/occasionally raising forger via the rooftop shack. It does not shatter Caroline’s dreams to have it stop coming enough to be a regular cycle, but the various parts interacted well and it got some money.

I admit that getting the two singer cards thrice in a ten-card hand was getting spammy. Now I get all kinds of cards and none too frequently, which feels like an improvement to be sure, as it adds variety to your game. I am missing the Amanuensis and the Singer, but I am happy to draw a truly random hand every time.

I have been living in Remote Addresses exclusively for ages, so I’m not noticing a big difference so far. Intimate of Devils cards might be sliiightly rarer but only very slightly. Amanuensis still turns up quite a lot.

I still quite often experience drawing the same card two or three times in a ten-card-deck. Sometimes this is fine, when it’s a useful card, sometimes less so. In any case, it makes drawing seem a tad unbalanced still.

The new Arbor card seems very frequent. I’m not sure this is a good thing. Visiting Arbor shouldn’t become daily routine, even for a character who is Ambassador.

Interestingly, the Arbor card has been fairly rare for me. I usually see it twice a week at most.

I notice that I get to play almost all the cards I get, while I used to discard half the hand. Of course the RNG might be RNG-ing, but I will be very surprised if there haven’t been tweaks.

I know I am still discarding the vast majority of cards, so I think that RNG is just RNG-ing. Still, it is nice to not discard a devil who has taken an interest in me three times out of six draws.

I didn’t get any confirmation on my ticket, but I agree that things feel different. Conflict cards in particular seem to be less common now, which is a pity. I wonder if FBG only fixed the bug or were there some other changes as well?

True. I used to keep seven favors at hand, since conflict cards came really often; this is not the case for about a month now. Though it doesn’t affect gameplay a lot, I would love a blog post or a forum post detailing the changes.

Hannah confirmed (on the Discord) that the bug has indeed been fixed!

This is what we were talking about on the PSA: Halowmass thread. There is this thread here, waiting for months, with us speculating on whether the bug is fixed or not. And we get an answer from a screengrab from Discord.
I do feel like quite a nag right now, sorry for that.

Don’t feel like that, Jolanda. I’m pretty sure quite a few people here agree with you. This is the most easily accessible forum, straight from the game, and enables the kind of discussion players here want to have.